How much silver is in the human body. Silver for the human body: The healing properties of silver. What foods contain gold?

How much silver is in the human body. Silver for the human body: The healing properties of silver. What foods contain gold?

Silver is a substance present in all organisms of higher living creatures (from plants to animals, as well as humans). To date, the physiological role of this substance in the human body and in animals has not been sufficiently studied. For example, there is no information anywhere about such a phenomenon as a lack of silver in the body. Only homeopaths put forward their own theory on this matter. But first things first.

Probably, silver in the body slows down enzymes, that is, acts as an inhibitor. It is also known that this element is capable of blocking sulfhydride groups (for example, the adenosine triphosphate activity of myosin), which are involved in the appearance of the active center of a number of enzymes, thus inhibiting their activity.

Myosin is the main protein in muscle tissue that breaks down adenosine triphosphate, an ATP nucleotide that plays the role of a universal battery and energy carrier. This property of myosin allows the chemical energy of the macroenergy bonds of ATP to be converted into the mechanical energy of contractions in the muscles (thus, silver dampens the body's energy supply).

The mechanism of the disinfecting (bactericidal) effect of silver ions is similar.

Silver ions, having penetrated inside the bacterial cell, block the SH groups of enzymes of a unicellular organism (most bacteria, including ciliated and flagellated bacteria, and a number of protozoa have enzymes similar to myosin), which is why the bacterium dies.

Sources of silver.

Food is a natural source of silver in the human body. According to WHO, a number of products contain 10-100 micrograms of silver per kilogram of their weight (1 microgram = 6-10 grams).

Studies conducted in the United States have shown that an average adult consumes 7.1 micrograms of silver (water included) daily, although previously, according to data, a person consumed an average of 20-80 micrograms. Water contains little silver, but when drinking water is treated with silver ions, the silver content naturally increases, and then the share of water is decisive. Silver is an element that is difficult for our body to absorb. More than 90% of silver is excreted from the body, mainly through the gastrointestinal tract. The remainder of the microelement is absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, easily combines with proteins (hemoglobin and globulin) and distributes throughout the body. The liver is the main repository of silver, as well as the main organ responsible for removing this trace element from the body. Silver also accumulates in high concentrations in the skin and mucous membranes. In lower concentrations, silver is concentrated in the kidneys, spleen, bone marrow, capillary walls, and endocrine glands.

Silver is excreted from the body rather slowly; the half-life is 50 days. Silver, along with bile, enters the gastrointestinal tract and is then excreted from the body with feces. Small amounts of silver are excreted through sweat or through the kidneys. With regular intake of this substance into the body, a gradual accumulation of silver was observed.

Potential danger.

Although silver is considered a heavy metal, it is not the most toxic, probably because under normal conditions our body receives it in small doses. Despite this, Russian standards assigned it hazard class 2 - “highly hazardous substance”, and put it on a par with other toxic heavy metals, such as lead, cadmium, cobalt and others. And therefore, silver must be treated with due respect.

Excessive accumulation of silver in the body leads to specific diseases such as “argyria” or “argyrosis”. This disease is characterized by changes in the color of the fundus and iris of the eyes, pigmentation of the mucous membranes of the skin, the color of which ranges from grayish-bluish to slate-gray. The manifestation of symptoms of the disease is facilitated by a lack of selenium and vitamin E, as well as the influence of sunlight (in this case, the skin saturated with silver ions “lights up” like a photograph). Pigmentation of the mucous membranes and skin develops slowly, and appears 10 years after silver began to be constantly exposed. Intensive treatment with silver preparations, or ingestion in large doses leads to a more rapid development of argyrosis.

It is difficult to determine the level of onset of the disease, however, from numerous studies it can be concluded that on average one gram of silver accumulated in the body can cause the disease “argyrosis”. Apart from pigmentation of mucous membranes, eyes and skin, and sometimes hair, this disease does not cause more serious consequences. In some cases, a decrease in visual acuity is possible; pinpoint inclusions are also found in the lens of the eye.

Long-term exposure to silver can lead to inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and at the same time the liver can become enlarged and painful.

According to WHO, the maximum dose of silver that does not cause harmful effects is 10 grams. It turns out that in order not to harm the body over the course of a lifetime, a person can eat and drink 10 grams of silver.

During the experiments, it was revealed that silver ions interact with the nitrogenous bases guanine and thymine of the DNA molecule (in bacteria, for example, this is accompanied by a malfunction of DNA functions and inhibits the reproduction and growth of microorganisms). It is assumed that this limits the bacteriostatic property of silver, but mutagenic activity, as well as carcinogenic properties, have not been identified.

Lack of silver.

Research has proven that the state of immune defenses depends on the presence of silver in the body. It was discovered by homeopaths, who traditionally use silver in small quantities to treat a number of diseases, or in complex therapy. There is even such a thing as a “silver type of person,” in which case silver deficiency causes various ailments. But by eliminating the lack of silver, the illnesses go away and the person recovers.

For the fair half of humanity, the relationship between the presence of silver in the body and well-being is especially noticeable. By the way, it is much easier to help women than men - sometimes it is enough to recommend that a woman wear silver jewelry.

Some women intuitively do just that, wear silver chains, rings, bracelets, earrings and feel much more comfortable.

When there is a lack of silver in the body, some begin to make up for it by consuming sweets in excessive doses. Such persons who suffer from a lack of silver are usually fussy in their actions and movements, and most often have hasty speech.

Specialist: Doromarin

Properties and functions of silver (Ag) in the children's body

Silver is a unique metal that is a natural antiseptic that can fight various types of bacteria and harmful microorganisms. It is actively used in the creation of medical instruments, medicines and other devices. But what tasks are assigned to silver in the human body, and what can its deficiency lead to? Let's take a closer look at these issues.

The role and functions of silver in the human body

The human body consists of many different compounds, including their chemical compounds. Among them you can easily find even platinum and other components that perform quite specific functions, and the role of some has not been fully studied. Silver also falls into the latter category.

The main content of silver in the human body falls on the brain. About 0.08% of dry matter can be found in the nuclei of neurons. Silver ions are evenly distributed throughout the body, participating in the stimulation of certain enzymes, as well as in the regulation of energy metabolism. This microelement also stimulates the hematopoietic organs and normalizes the functioning of the immune system, increasing the amount of immunoglobulins of various classes. Silver is also responsible for some functions of the brain, ensuring a high speed of nerve impulses, which allows for normal brain activity.

That is, this substance is not only a regulator, but also an immunomodulator, providing reliable protection for the human body from various types of infections and bacteria. Silver helps fight diseases such as:

  • flu;
  • gingivitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • colitis.

Ions of this metal eliminate the possibility of developing pustular diseases, dermatoses and even hemorrhoids.

Silver deficiency and its consequences

The human body contains about 0.02 mcg of silver per 1 kg of weight. Such a small amount means that microelement deficiency is extremely rare. Since the role of silver and its influence are not fully understood, it is difficult to talk about specific consequences of its deficiency. The phenomenon itself can occur against the background of metabolic disorders and the entry of substances into the body.

Silver deficiency can negatively affect:

  • brain activity, leading to a slowdown in the flow of nerve impulses;
  • immune system - the chance of developing infectious diseases increases, natural protection against harmful bacteria and microorganisms is weakened;
  • processes of hematopoiesis.

Despite the fact that silver is a heavy metal, it does not have a carcinogenic or toxic effect on the body. The trace element can be deposited in the skin tissues, and, if necessary, move to the sites of infection through the blood. Silver is a bactericidal metal, without which, first of all, normal work is impossible.

How to replenish microelement reserves?

The human body constantly needs microdoses of silver. To satisfy this need, you can simply wear jewelry made from this metal or its alloy. The microelement is actively used in the food industry and is used in the form of additive E174 - an antiseptic preservative. That is, the source of silver can be ordinary canned food, juices and shelf-stable products. If necessary, you can increase the amount of metal entering the body by using silver utensils, such as cutlery.

If we talk about products of natural origin, then the largest amount of silver is found in cranberries and livestock meat. The trace element is abundant in almost all types of vegetables and fruits, except those that have been grown artificially.

Vitamin complex Doromarin

So that your child never experiences the need for various microelements that are necessary for the normal growth of his body, you need to ensure their regular supply. This can be done with the help of the therapeutic and prophylactic product Doromarin. It consists entirely of natural ingredients and trace elements, including silver, that can regulate the functions of every cell in the body.

With regular use of Doromarine, the child will not be afraid of any viral infection or other diseases caused by harmful bacteria. This product will help activate cognitive processes, reduce morbidity rates, strengthen bones and create reliable protection that will help many times in the future.

Hurry up to order Doromarin and expect it to arrive as soon as possible. Delivery to Almaty or any other city in the Republic of Kazakhstan is completely free, so your child will very soon be able to experience all the positive properties of the product.

Gold is contained in only one product - corn, and even then in microportions, however, they are enough to replenish this element in the body. It is recommended to “pamper” yourself with corn porridge at least once a month.


Silver is a natural bactericidal metal, capable of destroying about 650 species of bacteria, which subsequently do not acquire resistance to this element (which cannot be said about modern antibiotics). It is also important that antibiotics “kill” not only pathogenic microflora, but also beneficial ones, while silver preparations act exclusively on bacteria and viruses. Silver, absorbed by leukocytes, is transferred to the site of infection, where it not only neutralizes the site of infection, but also relieves inflammation. Such compounds also regenerate tissue, accelerating the healing of wounds and injuries. But that’s not all: silver tones the body and strengthens the immune system. Silver deficiency is quite rare. An excess of this element can be observed in people who have been in contact with silver for a long time. In addition, an excess of silver can cause long-term treatment with silver nitrate preparations.

Symptoms of excess silver in the body:

· disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system;

· visual disturbances;

· cough;

· decreased blood pressure;

· liver enlargement;

· diarrhea;

· nausea;

· vomit.

What foods contain silver?

The daily intake of silver is about 80 mcg. The toxic dose of silver is 60 mg. The sources of silver in the body are food (vegetables, fruits, meat). But most of this element is contained in enriched water that has undergone special treatment, which can be done at home. To do this, water must be kept in a silver container (if one is not available, you can put silver objects in containers with water - these can be coins or cutlery).


Mercury (this element is also called the “metal of death”) is a component of water, soil and air, and, therefore, it is also present in the human body, although in extremely small quantities. But everything is as scary as it seems at first glance, because mercury also has beneficial properties, including:

· tissue change and restoration;

· stimulation of intelligence;

· awakening of consciousness.

Important! As a therapeutic agent, mercury is taken exclusively as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision, but it is important to remember that this metal is not used in its pure form, but only in combination with sulfur.

Important! Small doses of mercury coming from food do not accumulate in the human body, but are mainly eliminated from it through the kidneys, colon, bile, sweat and saliva. Although daily consumption of foods containing mercury (especially fish) may have some toxic effects.

Particularly dangerous are mercury vapors, as well as organic derivatives of this metal formed in the aquatic environment under the influence of microorganisms. Particularly dangerous are areas with operating heavy industrial enterprises that are not equipped with modern treatment facilities. In such areas, the environment in general and people in particular are slowly but surely being poisoned by mercury vapor. At the same time, mercury poisoning (we are not talking about cases of acute intoxication provoked by massive intake of mercury into the body) does not manifest itself for a long time, that is, it is asymptomatic.

Over time, the following symptoms of intoxication begin to appear:

· headache;

· dizziness;

· deterioration of memory and attention;

· inflammation of the gums;

· mild nausea;

· insomnia;

· hair loss.

A little more time passes, and the state of health worsens, which manifests itself:

· speech impairment;

· the appearance of causeless fear and nervousness;

· drowsiness;

· decrease in white blood cell count.

If these symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor (especially if you live in an industrial area).

Silver for the human body. This metal has been known to mankind since time immemorial, when the very concept of “science” did not yet exist. It was endowed with magical properties, which is why this “lunar metal “At one time it was even valued more than gold. And medieval alchemists considered silver the key to creating the philosopher's stone. Much later, when civilization took a confident step towards technological progress, people discovered the true purpose of this element. In this article we will talk abouthealing properties of silver and himroles in the human body .

in optimal natural form and dosage is found in beekeeping products - such as pollen, royal jelly and drone brood, which are part of many natural vitamin and mineral complexes of the Parapharm company: Leveton P, Elton P, Leveton Forte ", "Apitonus P", "Osteomed", "Osteo-Vit", "Eromax", "Memo-Vit" and "Cardioton". That is why we pay so much attention to each natural substance, talking about its importance and benefits for the health of the body.

History of the discovery of silver

History of the discovery of silver lost in the depths of centuries. The origin of silver items found in excavations in Egypt dates back to 5000-3400 BC. However, it is reliably known that in this part of the world silver is very rare and was presumably brought here from the Middle East. Silver was considered sacred in Babylon and Assyria.

The Latin name of this element (Argentum ) comes from ancient Greekargyros (according to another version from Sanskritargan ) and is translated as “white”, “light”, “brilliant”. Some researchers note the connection between the name of this element and the name of the hero of the ancient Indian epic "Mahabharata" - Arjuna.

But its Central European and Slavic etymology still causes a lot of controversy among philologists. According to popular belief, it comes from the wordsapra , meaning "moon". This is why silver is often called "lunar metal ».

Interesting fact: Argentina owes its name to silver. When the conquistadors first set foot on its shores, the natives presented them with silver jewelry as a gift. Believing that the local region was rich in this metal, the Spaniards called the open part of the world Argentina (Latin for “Silver”). Imagine the disappointment of the greedy conquerors when it turned out that there was very little silver here.

Finding silver in nature
and its application

Despite the fact that it is a fairly common metal, mined in its native state, its content in the earth’s crust is very insignificant - only 70 mg per ton. Much more of it is found in clay soil (1 g per ton). Due to its good solubility, quite a lot of silver is concentrated in water, especially sea water (approximately 0.04 micrograms per liter). Talking aboutfinding silver in nature , it should be mentioned that the ancients called it “a gift from heaven.” And all because this metal is often found in meteorites.

Interesting fact: The largest silver nugget was mined in 1420 from a mine in Chile. But a 20-ton giant discovered in 1904 in the Canadian province of Ontario is considered a real miracle of nature! Because of its gigantic size, it was called the “Silver Pavement.”

The scope of application of silver is very extensive.

It is used to make jewelry, coins, orders, medals, and dishes.

Due to its good electrical conductivity, it is widely used to create solders and contacts in electrical engineering.

It is used in the photographic industry and for the manufacture of mirrors, since silver compounds have high light sensitivity and good reflectivity.

Silver iodide is used to control the weather. It is sprayed into the atmosphere to disperse clouds or, conversely, to cause heavy precipitation.

As a catalyst to speed up chemical reactions.

In gas mask filters.

To create detonators in explosives.

Silver chloride is found in the surface coating of some radars.

As a disinfectant for water disinfection.

Batteries and accumulators containing silver last much longer.

Medical uses of silver

ABOUThealing properties of silver was known in ancient times. In ancient Egypt, healers applied silver plates to wounds to avoid blood poisoning. And the commanders of ancient times stored water in silver vessels to disinfect it during long campaigns.Medical uses of silver has not stopped even today. Thanks to its powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory propertiescolloid (solution)silver are still used in medicine as an alternative to antibiotics.

This metal is used today to treat many disorders.

Acute infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract: influenza, ARVI, sore throat.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, ulcers and others.

Lesions of the oral mucosa (for example, stomatitis)

For diseases of the lungs and bronchi: pneumonia, bronchitis and others.

Skin diseases: eczema, psoriasis, fungal infections.

Infectious diseases of the mucous membrane of the eyes (for example, conjunctivitis)

Diseases of the genitourinary system: gonorrhea, chlamydia and others.

In case of adrenal dysfunction.

For atherosclerosis and asthma.

And yet the reaction to this drug in scientific circles is far from clear. This is largely due to a number of contraindications and significant riskssilver poisoning .

Doctors also treat so-called “silver water” with a certain skepticism, that is, enriched with silver ions. Despite its undeniable medicinal properties, its excessive consumption can also lead to intoxication. The permissible dose of silver in drinking water is 40-50 mcg per liter.

Currentlymedical uses of silver includes such an area as the production of dietary supplements. An example is a vitamin complex such as"Leveton Forte". One of the components of the drug, drone brood, contains silver. This supplement helps the athlete adapt to stress and has anabolic, immunomodulatory, and antioxidant properties.

The role of silver in the human body

Biologicalthe role of silver in the body has not yet been fully studied. This is largely due to its low content in the cells of the human body (about 0.02 micrograms per kilogram of weight). We can definitely say that this element plays an important role in ensuring the stable functioning of the peripheral nervous system. It has also been proven that leukocytes are able to absorb silver and transport it to the source of the inflammatory process.

What's happening
with a lack and excess of silver in the body?

The daily requirement of this substance for an adult is approximately 0.1 mg. At the same time, only 5 percent of the total amount of silver consumed with food is absorbed.

With a lack of silver in the body, the following occurs:

Decreased immunity.

General deterioration in health: frequent headaches, fatigue.

Disruption of the cardiovascular system.

Increased blood cholesterol.

Silver is a heavy metal and is only slightly inferior to lead in terms of toxic effects on the body. A dangerous dose is considered to be 60 mg, and a lethal dose is 6.3 g.

Let's name the main onessilver poisoning symptoms .

Metabolic disease.

Deterioration of vision due to excessive concentration of silver in the retina.

Liver damage, accompanied by pain in the right side.

Metallic taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Reduced blood pressure.


In case of severesilver poisoning the person falls into a coma, with probable death.

Atexcess silver in the body Over time, such a specific and rather rare disease may develop asargyria. The patient's skin and mucous membrane acquire an earthy-gray tint due to the accumulation of silver in them. However, this disease does not pose any threat to health, except for aesthetic imbalance. Moreover, people suffering from argyria are significantly less susceptible to various infections.

Interesting fact: An allergic reaction to silver is a very rare phenomenon. It is probably on this basis that the legend was born that “lunar metal "is a talisman against evil spirits. It is not difficult to imagine what fate awaited potential “witches,” “vampires,” and “werewolves” who were unlucky enough to be born with allergies in the Middle Ages.

What foods contain silver?

Silver is a food additive E174, so it is found in many canned products. This metal is also found in many vegetables, fruits and berries. So,what products contain silver ?

At the moment, the biological role of silver has not been sufficiently studied. It belongs to potentially carcinogenic and potentially toxic elements.

Silver in the body inhibits tissue respiration, blocks thiol groups of enzyme systems, and forms compounds with proteins. Silver in blood plasma binds to fibrinogen, albumin and globulins. Prolonged contact with silver, which occurs under industrial conditions, leads to its accumulation on the mucous membranes and skin, in the kidneys and liver. It was found that leukocytes phagocytize silver and deliver the element to sites of inflammation.

In ensuring processes that are associated with the functions of the nervous system, silver plays an important role.

Silver is the only bactericidal metal that is effective against bacteria that do not become resistant to it. In addition, the metal has an astringent, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. It has an antibiotic effect against many viruses and protozoa.

About seven micrograms of silver enter the human body per day along with food and water, but only five percent is absorbed.

Resorption of this metal is also possible through mucous membranes and skin. All tissues and organs contain silver in small quantities: most of it is found in the pituitary gland, the pigment membrane of the eyes, red blood cells, liver, lungs, and brain. Silver is excreted from the body through the intestines.

Most silver enters the body with water, much less with food.

Sixty milligrams of silver for humans is a toxic dose, and from 1.3 to 6.2 grams is lethal. For water, the maximum permissible concentration of silver is fifty micrograms. Refers to highly hazardous elements.

Silver is a heavy metal. Water containing silver ions should not be drunk. Silver is a xenobiotic and a cellular poison. If silver is used constantly, then even small doses can cause a chronic disease - argyria, which appears when too much silver in the blood.

The main manifestations and causes of silver deficiency are not well understood.

The main reasons for excess silver in the human body are:

Long-term use of silver nitrate preparations.

Inhalation of silver sulphide or silver bromide under industrial conditions.

Ingestion of metallic silver into the body due to prolonged contact.

Ingestion of silver into the body as a result of accidents in toxic doses.

The main manifestations of excess silver are:

Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.


Enlarged liver and pain in the right hypochondrium.

Grayish or brownish tint of mucous membranes and skin.

Reduced blood pressure.

Watery eyes, runny nose with bleeding, cough, sore throat.

Visual disorders caused by silver deposits in the retina.

Manifestations of disorders of the central nervous system.

To remove excess silver from the body, agents are prescribed that have a drainage effect on organs that accumulate silver (kidneys, liver), chelation therapy is carried out, symptomatic drugs and copper preparations are prescribed.
