Poinsettia or “Christmas star”: how to grow a flower for the New Year holiday? Poinsettia flower - special care for a delicate plant

Poinsettia or “Christmas star”: how to grow a flower for the New Year holiday? Poinsettia flower - special care for a delicate plant

IN Lately In Russian homes, you can increasingly see the poinsettia plant - in its homeland, the plant is evergreen and grows up to four meters; the artificially grown crop is a small bush about 30 centimeters.

In Europe and the USA, houses are decorated with this plant for Catholic Christmas, so it has other names - Bethlehem or Christmas star. The flowers of the shrub are inconspicuous - they give the poinsettia a special look and attractiveness bright leaves around the flowers.

Green leaves are no different in shape from bracts. If you do not properly care for the punsetia at home, you will not be able to enjoy the appearance of the plant - it will begin to hurt and the bracts will change their color. After familiarizing yourself with the basic rules and recommendations for plant care, you can wait and enjoy the flowering of this plant for as long as possible.

Poinsettia: description of the bush

Poinsettia, also known as the Christmas star, Euphorbia spurge, and Euphorbia splendor, is a shrubby evergreen plant with stunning bracts in red, yellow, pink or white that is becoming increasingly popular as a houseplant due to the fact that it blooms during the winter months, decorating living spaces. premises for New Year and Christmas.

  1. There are many legends associated with poinsettia. The Aztecs believed that the bush, covered in the middle of winter with bright purple leaves, like stars, sprouted from a drop of blood that fell to the ground from the heart of their ancient goddess, broken from unhappy love.
  2. Another story says that poor children, who had nothing to decorate the altar in the temple for Christmas, picked branches of an ordinary bush and laid them at the feet of Jesus. And these branches suddenly bloomed.

In nature, poinsettia is a fairly tall shrub, up to four meters, that grows in the southern and central regions of the North American continent. It has smooth and hollow inside stems and beautiful serrated dark green leaves.

  • Little ones yellow flowers are located in bright bracts, similar in shape and size to the foliage. It is the bracts, necessary for normal pollination of the plant, that give it charm and uniqueness.
  • In order for poinsettia to begin flowering, it must be in the dark for most of the day for some time; it is this feature that explains the fact that it blooms on New Year’s Eve.
  • The plant's bracts begin to change color as darkness increases, becoming red or (in some species) white, pink or yellow, reminiscent of the celestial bodies that give the plant one of its many names.

Poinsettia blooms in nature for no more than two months a year, but breeders at home managed to extend this period to six months. After this, the bracts lose their brightness and die, and the poinsettia begins a period of dormancy.

Like all milkweeds, poinsettia is dangerous for pets, especially cats, which quite often chew indoor flowers. Although many researchers dispute this statement, it is better to refrain from experiments. If a cat lives in the house or there are small children, poinsettia should be removed away.

The Legend of Poinsettia

There is a beautiful legend about poinsettia. Which will tell the story of the appearance of the Christmas star. How once the simplest flower managed to become a beautiful milkweed.

So, let's begin:

  • A long time ago, when Jesus was born, two children from a very poor family set off on a journey to see a miracle - the birth of the son of God. Their names were Maria and Paulo.
  • Along the way, they decided to find some kind of gift, and then they came across small flower, with modest green leaves. When they reached the right place, there were already a lot of guests.
  • The guests also brought generous and valuable gifts in honor of such an event, and the children only laughed at their inconspicuous flower. But when the plant was brought to the baby’s cradle, it blossomed at that very moment and became a gorgeous, bright, amazingly beautiful flower.

Hence another legend, why poinsettia is called the Christmas star or the Christmas flower.

Whether this is true or not, in Mexico, the homeland of this flower, they believe in it, and they always decorate the house with the most beautiful milkweed. Since the last century, poinsettia has won love North America, and today we fall in love with him. The flower is quickly gaining popularity in Europe and Russia.

The plant requires careful care after it blooms. But on the other hand, she is so beautiful and deserves to be in every home for Christmas and New Year.

And what New Year's compositions can be made with it. Once you have invited poinsettia into your home for the New Year holidays, it is no longer possible to refuse to buy a flower every year. Because the beautiful poinsettia radiates very positive energy and you want to admire it every New Year.

And thanks to breeders, we have a wonderful selection of colors. From classic red to pearlescent pink or lemon yellow.


Homeland of the Christmas flower

The homeland of poinsettia is located in Mexico and other Central American countries.

As a rule, it is found in the subtropics, at altitude. For this reason, spurge is afraid of drafts in rooms, and requires the brightest lighting possible.

Giving this flower on Christmas Eve is a tradition that also comes from America. And today this living gift for the New Year is very popular in many countries around the world.


Species composition

to his attractive looking The Christmas flower owes not so much to the flowers themselves, which are rather faded and inconspicuous, but to the bracts.

Poinsettia is the only species in this genus, but quite a few varieties have been bred. Plants for sale today

  1. with bright red
  2. burgundy,
  3. pink,
  4. yellow,
  5. snow-white bracts.

The flowers themselves are inconspicuous, even without a calyx and corolla.

But after flowering ends, the leaves become pale and gradually fall off.

For several weeks, the plant rests and recovers, so it needs special climatic and vegetative conditions.

Table - Poinsettia varieties

Variety Peculiarities
Oak Leaf — The first artificially bred variety;
- petals resemble oak leaves in shape
Premium Red — Classic poinsettia with bright red bracts;
- the middle of the flower is yellow with a greenish tint;
- pointed leaf shape
Cortez Burgundy — The variety is dedicated to the Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes, who conquered Mexico;
- bracts of purple color
Cortez Red — The apical leaves are of a deep scarlet color;
- on the bracted leaves there are dark green veins
Premium Miro — Leaves that are white at the edges and pink in the middle;
- the shape of the colored leaves is crinkled
White Star — The peduncle is dull green with a pearly tint;
- champagne-colored bracts
Cortez Pink - Leaves Pink colour;
- the closer the bract leaf is to the top, the softer and lighter its shade
Jingle Bells — Bracts leaves are carmine-red in color with white fragments along the edges;
visual effect snow on the leaves


When to buy poinsettia and how to choose a healthy plant

If you want to please your family this Christmas unusual flower, you need to approach the purchase responsibly. We bring to your attention the basic recommendations of experts on choosing a plant, thanks to which you can purchase a healthy bush and avoid common mistakes. Take a good look at the poinsettia's leaves and bracts. They should be green-yellow or red in color and free of pollen. If a flower shop offers you a plant with yellow leaves and pollen, it is better to refuse the purchase. These signs indicate that flowering has already begun, so the Christmas star will soon shed its bright bracts.
  • Pay attention to the shape of the bush. It should be smooth, have beautiful outlines, and the same amount of foliage on all sides. Make sure all stems are covered with leaves. Green colour, and the bracts had an elegant color. There are often cases when flowers have a greenish tint. This indicates the poor quality of the plant, so it is not worth purchasing. Depending on the species and variety, poinsettia bracts can be red, yellow, white or pink.

  • Before you make a purchase, you must make sure that you have healthy plant. It should not have wilted, rotting, curled or diseased leaves. Experts also recommend checking the soil: damp soil, as a rule, indicates improper maintenance or damage to the flower by root rot. Also, be sure to inspect the leaves for pests.
  • The New Year's star does not tolerate crowding, so it is better to give preference to unwrapped plants that stand freely in the display case. Otherwise, the fragile leaves may break.
  • The size of the flower also plays an important role. As a rule, an adult bush is 2-3 times larger than the pot in which it is planted.

For example, if the air temperature is below +15°C, then the plant should be wrapped in thick paper, placed in a spacious bag or transported in a large box.


How to care for poinsettia

Naturally, after such a wonderful acquisition, you should think about further care. Despite the fact that the poinsettia flower is unpretentious, every gardener should become familiar with it. characteristic features, as well as basic care requirements.

Choosing a pot for poinsettia

Before planting poinsettia, you need to decide on a pot. It should be chosen so that it is 2-2.5 times smaller than the plant itself, and its diameter is the same number of times larger than the root ball.

The plant does not have any special requirements for the height and width of the pot; it is important that the container is not too large.

The fact is that the larger the pot, the slower the soil dries in it, so a poinsettia that cannot tolerate excessive moisture will be uncomfortable in a pot that is too large.

Choosing a place for poinsettias

Poinsettia is very light-loving, but this plant needs diffused light.

  • In the summer, the pot should be placed on sunny window sills or open balconies that provide shading from direct rays and drafts.
  • If the flower is located in an open space, you need to make sure that it is not flooded with rain, Poinsettia does not tolerate excess moisture.
  • Indoors there is another subtlety: Poinsettia needs regular ventilation.

From the beginning of autumn to ensure flowering correct lighting takes on special significance.

As you know, in order for a poinsettia to bloom, it should be in complete darkness for at least half a day, so as soon as the daylight hours come to an end, the plant must be immediately removed to a dark place or covered with an opaque dark film.

In the morning the film is removed - and so on until the New Year. Otherwise, the plant will go into leaf, and flowering may not occur at all. A properly maintained lighting regime allows poinsettia to begin to produce flower buds, and later bracts, within a couple of weeks after darkening.

The air temperature during the flowering period of poinsettia should not fall below 14 ° C; during the dormant period, the temperature can be lowered by a couple of degrees. In summer, the plant develops normally within 18 - 25°C.

How to replant poinsettia after purchase

Replanting is a stressful event for any plant, especially for a flowering one, and Poinsettia is no exception - it does not easily tolerate such an event. For this reason, it is transplanted only when absolutely necessary.

To carry out the procedure, choose a time after the end of the rest period, so that during the process active growth and development, it was easier for the flower to adapt to the new volume of the pot.

So, after a new pot has been selected (its diameter should not be more than 1-1.5 centimeters from the previous one), the flower must be carefully removed from the old one and moved into a prepared container using a simple transfer method, without disturbing the roots and without violating the integrity earthen coma. The gaps are filled with additional soil.

  1. To keep stress to a minimum, the bush is placed under a transparent cap to create increased air humidity.
  2. Do not forget to ventilate the plant every day, otherwise unpleasant putrefactive processes may develop inside and harm the plant.
  3. The greenhouse can be removed after about a month - during this period the roots are usually already adapted to the new volume.



This plant prefers indirect sunlight, so summer period it needs some shading or placement on northern and eastern window sills. It is especially important to observe the lighting regime starting in September. Only in this case will it be possible to make the poinsettia bloom.

  • With the onset of twilight, the plant is covered with a light-proof bag or cap, thus maintaining the dark phase for 12-14 hours.
  • This regime should be maintained for about 8 weeks.
  • Within 2-3 weeks, the formation of flower buds will begin, which will continue to ripen by the beginning of December.
  • If the plant is artificially illuminated without observing the alternating periods of day and night, then the poinsettia will develop a large number of lateral leafy shoots or grow upward, but will not bloom.


The plant has clearly defined 3 periods, in which optimal temperature content will differ.

  1. Flowering period. Indoor poinsettia prefers a very moderate room temperature, not exceeding 16 degrees. This is why these plants thrive in low-heat environments. winter gardens, in European living rooms, and in houses with individual heating. The higher the room temperature, the faster the poinsettia will shed its bracts.
  2. Rest period. Immediately after flowering and flowering, a dormant period begins. At this time, the temperature can remain between 12-14 degrees Celsius. The plant sheds its leaves and rests for about 2 months. At this time, it is necessary to reduce watering and keep the plant in a cool but bright place.
  3. Growth period. 2 months after the dormant period, it is time for the plant to grow. New buds appear on shoots that have lost their leaves, and the poinsettia comes to life. At this time, it is necessary to transplant the flower into new soil, prune it and start feeding the plant. The temperature can be normal, room temperature. In the summer, poinsettia can be taken out into the garden, but be sure to shade it from the scorching rays of the sun.



In the hot season, watering should be frequent and quite abundant. A dry top crust of soil is a clue that the plant needs moisture. IN winter period Watering should be kept to a minimum, moistening the soil in the pot no more than once every three to four weeks.

Using pre-filtered and settled water for watering milkweed, you need to warm it up a little in microwave oven or on the stove. The ideal water temperature for watering poinsettias is 30°C.


The Star of Bethlehem, like a person, feels most comfortable in a room where the humidity level fluctuates around 40-60%. Dry air is fraught with the appearance of pests. And excessive humidity leads to rotting of the root system.

Feeding and fertilizer

Poinsettia does not require frequent feeding. Moreover, during the flowering and dormant periods it is strictly prohibited.

Fertilizers can be added only when replanting the plant, during the appearance of new leaves (spring-summer), and also immediately before flowering (October-November). If you have chosen the right soil for replanting, fertilizing can be done even less frequently.

Table - Seasonal feeding of poinsettia


The Christmas star is growing rapidly, not only in breadth, but also upward. To prevent a miniature flower from one day turning into a giant that does not fit on the windowsill, the poinsettia must be pruned.

  1. Pruning is carried out after the indoor plant finishes flowering - in March-April.
  2. The stems are cut off radically, leaving green rods no more than 10 cm long in the pot.
  3. After pruning, the flower is left in a room with a comfortable temperature, watered and generously sprayed.
  4. After a few weeks, new shoots will begin to appear on the pruned plant.
  5. Your task is to leave five or six of the most viable and strong stems with leaves. The rest must be eliminated by repeated pruning. Eliminated shoots can be rooted in the ground.

Poinsettia is a poisonous plant. Therefore, any manipulations with it must be carried out with rubber gloves. For safety reasons, the flower pot should be kept away from small children and pets.

Formation of poinsettia

  • In order for the plant to quickly form a magnificent bush, after flowering it is transplanted into a larger pot and not pruned. However, there is a nuance: while actively growing, poinsettia will never bloom again with this method of transplantation. Therefore, before the rest period begins, It is still necessary to prune the poinsettia.
  • The second stage of formation begins the moment the poinsettia emerges from hibernation. As soon as new shoots appear on the plant, it is inspected and 4-5 of the strongest shoots are selected, the rest are cut off with a sharp knife.

As a result, the plant forms a beautiful and lush, but at the same time neat crown, giving the flower a decorative appearance.

Planting and propagation

Poinsettia can be propagated by seeds and cuttings, but the first method is more typical for natural conditions growth of this shrub. As an indoor flower, poinsettia is usually propagated by cuttings and then transplanted into large containers.

Seed method

IN wildlife after the end of the flowering period, euphorbia produces seeds, which, dispersing, give life to new plants. Such material is very difficult to obtain artificially breeding poinsettia, moreover, the most beautiful varieties This plant is the result of many years of selection work, while the seeds, unfortunately, do not retain the acquired characteristics, and a wild plant grows from them.

It is not as beautiful, more poisonous than the bred varieties, so propagate the Christmas star by seed method not only pointless, but also dangerous. Thus, poinsettia does not leave gardeners large selection regarding how to breed it.

Vegetative method

In order to propagate poinsettia using cuttings, from a young shoot of an adult, but not an old plant, it is necessary to cut off the top approximately 7 cm long with noticeable buds (there should be at least three of them, preferably five or six). Pruning is carried out under the lower node.

  • The cutting needs to be soaked for several minutes in warm water, placed in a rooting solution, then blotted on the cut and disinfected (regular activated carbon can be used for this purpose).
  • The treated shoot is planted in well-moistened soil with the addition of humus, manure and sand.

Important! If the cutting is buried deeper than a centimeter in the soil, rooting will not occur, and the lower part of the shoot will simply rot!

The pot is covered with film and placed in a very warm and bright place for rooting, but shaded from direct sun. Do not forget to regularly ventilate and spray the cuttings. Roots appear in about a month.

As the plants grow, they are transferred to larger containers and pinched to give the poinsettia a lush shape.

If the plant is planted correctly, it begins to bloom next year.

Planting and transplantation technology

It is necessary to plant and replant poinsettia after the end of the dormant phase, around mid-May.

A thick layer of drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot chosen for replanting (it should not be much larger than the previous one). If the plant is not being transferred, but rather is being replanted, then before placing it in a new pot, its roots need to be examined, cutting off dried or rotting branches, and then lightly sprinkled with potassium humate or the preparation “Kornevin”.

Thanks to this treatment, the plant will more easily endure the “housewarming” event. You can create an impromptu greenhouse for poinsettias by covering the plant with a bag. It is very important to remove the film at least twice a day to ensure access fresh air to the flower. Droplets of moisture should not accumulate inside the bag.

You can remove the bag a few weeks after transplantation, by which time the poinsettia should have fully recovered from the stress it suffered.


How to prepare poinsettia for flowering

On the eve of the New Year holidays, information on how to make poinsettia bloom becomes relevant. Naturally, one of the main conditions is proper care, but there are a few secrets that will help stimulate flowering. If you want the plant to bloom by Christmas, preparations should begin in September.

  1. Carefully inspect the bush and then remove weak shoots.
  2. Provide the plant with timely watering and spraying with warm water.
  3. Christmas star – short flower daylight hours. To set flower buds, the plant needs to be in the dark for at least 12-14 hours a day. Otherwise, it will actively produce leaves rather than beautiful bracts. When evening comes, move the poinsettia to a dark place or cover it with a thick cloth.
  4. If you follow this regimen, after 2-3 weeks you will be able to notice the appearance of small flower buds.
  5. Reception " short day"should be used for 6-8 weeks (this time is necessary for the bright bracts to bloom), and then you can return to your usual care.
  6. How long the flowering will last depends only on you. To prevent the poinsettia from freezing, the air temperature should not fall below +14°C. Do not forget about daily watering and spray it with warm water twice a day. Please note that the use of fertilizers during this period is strictly prohibited.

Poinsettia after flowering

After New Year's trash cans Unfortunately, one can observe in abundance not only discarded Christmas trees, but also pots with dried up poinsettias. You can, of course, treat this plant as a disposable element of the New Year holidays, buying a new specimen each time, but this is hardly humane and productive.

You shouldn’t be upset that the poinsettia has faded, it’s just important to know what to do in order to next winter she looked like a Christmas star again.

After flowering, poinsettia enters the resting phase necessary for the plant. It does not last long - only a couple of months. Before hibernation, poinsettia usually sheds its leaves.– this is not a sign of illness and not a reason to panic.

  1. The plant should be pruned, leaving a few strong shoots (cut shoots can be used as cuttings for propagation).
  2. The flower itself needs to be placed in a cool place dry place, protected from direct sun rays. During this period, watering the plants is reduced to a minimum.
  3. After the dormant phase, poinsettias begin a period of growth. The plant is watered abundantly and carefully transferred to a new pot (slightly larger than the previous one).
  4. Now the poinsettia needs full care - watering and regular feeding.

How to monitor a flower in summer and autumn

All summer long, poinsettias need to continue to be fed and watered. If there is such an opportunity, you can move the flower pot to the balcony, but you should choose a place protected from direct sunlight, drafts and wind.

If the plant is left on the windowsill, the hot midday sun can scorch it. Never forget to create a shadow.

This care continues until autumn. As the air temperature drops, fertilizing and watering of the plant are gradually reduced.

  • There are very important condition, when done, the poinsettia will definitely bloom. From the end of September it is necessary to provide the plant with no more than 10 hours of daylight.
  • To achieve this, you need to cover it with a cardboard box or dark from about 6 pm to 8 am plastic bag. This operation is performed over 2 months. During this time, new flower buds are formed.
  • All boxes and bags are removed in early November. The flower is watered moderately and kept in a bright and warm place. If you follow all the rules for caring for the plant, the Christmas poinsettia flower will again delight you at the appointed time.

And although you need to tinker with the flower, it's worth it! It is known that in the West this plant is considered disposable and is destroyed after flowering. But with proper maintenance, this wonderful flower will delight others for many years to come.

Poinsettia at home: why does it die?

The cause of premature yellowing and falling of leaves is dry air. To raise it, the plant must be frequently sprayed with settled water from a spray bottle.

If a poinsettia sheds its leaves, this can happen for several reasons:

  • A natural process before a period of rest;
  • Improper watering: overwatering or insufficient moisture;
  • Low indoor air humidity;
  • The pot is in a draft;
  • The plant froze during transportation;
  • Insufficient lighting.

When the soil is salinized, the leaves at the edges turn yellow, turn brown and dry out. If the soil contains excess salts, it becomes covered with a whitish coating. In this case, it is necessary to loosen the soil more often, stop applying fertilizers, and when spring transplant ensure good drainage in the pot.

If the leaves are deformed, twisted, or “holes” form on them, this picture is typical for a lack of molybdenum and an incorrect level of acidity. Poinsettia thrives at a soil pH of 5.5-6.2.

  • Uneven coloring and spotting of the covering leaves (bacteria) appears with sudden changes in temperature and air humidity, irregular feeding, and lack of lighting.
  • If appearance poinsettia does not correspond to the variety in shape, density, or leaf color, then such plants are called chimeras. The cause of the deviation is a spontaneous cellular mutation. It is not contagious to other plants and no treatment is needed.
  • Marbling of the leaves is a symptom of the mosaic virus, transmitted by sucking pests. The disease cannot be treated, so the affected plant will have to be destroyed.

Improper care

If not properly cared for, poinsettias are prone to various types rot:

  1. With root and stem rot, the leaves wither and turn yellow, and the edges of older leaves turn brown. The roots become soft and their tissues separate.
  2. Brown rot mainly affects planted cuttings. To prevent them, after planting they are sprayed with Rovral fungicide.
  3. Gray mold develops when high humidity and low temperature. Most often it affects the plant during the period of coloring of the bracts. Appear on inflorescences, leaves and stems dark spots, on which mold with sporangia then grows. The affected areas of the plant are removed, and the plant itself is sprayed with a fungicidal solution, for example Topsin-M, Fundazol.

When poinsettia is damaged powdery mildew a whitish coating forms on the leaves, under which the tissues turn brown and die. To combat the disease, fungicides such as Fitosporin-M, Topaz, Skor, Alirin-B are used.

  • If flower thrips are present, punctures are visible on the leaves, around which the leaf tissue becomes deformed and curls. To destroy these pests, insecticides are used (Fitoverm, Fufanon, Actellik, etc.).
  • If mealybugs and scale insects are infested on milkweed, you can first remove them mechanically with a swab dipped in alcohol or wash the plant with soapy water. If there are a lot of them, then treatment with insecticides (Aktara, Fitoverm, Vermitek) is justified.
  • Dying of the bract, browning of the tips of the leaves, and a weak trunk are characteristic phenomena of calcium deficiency. To eliminate this, it is useful to water the spurge with a solution of calcium nitrate (1.5 g/l of water).
  • A lack of molybdenum is manifested by chlorosis of leaf blades and browning of their edges. In this case, it is necessary to maintain a pH level of 5.5-6.5 and feed the poinsettia complex fertilizer with microelements.

In dry air

In dry air, spider mites that live on the underside of the leaves can settle on the “Christmas star”. The places where he bites are yellowish in color. As a result of its activity, the leaves fade, dry out and fall off.

To combat it, the plant is sprayed with a solution of green soap. If this measure does not help, then use acaricides (Aktellik, Sunmite, Fufanon).

Another common pest is the whitefly, a small flying insect similar to a moth. They settle on the underside of leaves. The larvae feed on plant sap and the adults carry viral diseases. To get rid of whiteflies, poinsettia is sprayed with insecticides (Aktara, Konfidor).

Pest Symptom
Spider mite — A small red beetle appears on back side leaf plate;
- the leaf plate is enveloped in cobwebs
Mealybug — “cotton-like” formations appear on the leaves and root stem;
- foliage turns yellow
Shchitovka - Brown plaques appear;
- leaves fall
Thrips — Leaves curl;
- wavy lesions appear on the leaf plate
Gray rot — Gray spots appear on the leaf blades located at the very bottom

A black velvety coating on the leaves of milkweed indicates the presence sooty fungus. It settles on the secretions of sucking pests. In tissues covered with fungal plaque, photosynthesis is disrupted. To prevent the appearance of this fungus, it is necessary to combat harmful insects.


Why do poinsettia leaves turn yellow and fall off?

During the dormant period, spurge begins to shed its leaves, and this is normal. However, if the leaves of a poinsettia turn yellow and fall off a few days after purchase, there must be serious reasons for this:

  1. Temperature difference. The indoor flower does not like the cold, so the pot cannot be leaned against the window and exposed to frost.
  2. The plant has been in plastic wrapping for too long.
  3. The air is too dry.
  4. Poinsettias lack moisture or have too much water.
  5. Long absence light (if it is not a period of rest).
  6. Pest invasion.

Why doesn't poinsettia turn red?

What makes the Christmas star blush? This is facilitated by a process called photoperiodism. Alternating bright light with its absence causes the plant's leaves to turn red (pink, white, depending on the purchase). What most people mistakenly think is a flower is actually a bract that is found in the center of the leaf.

Why doesn't poinsettia turn red? Most likely, the owner did not follow the rules of photoperiodism. In order for a beautiful flower to once again delight household members with its beauty, all conditions must be provided. How to care for poinsettia to achieve redness?

During the day, you need to expose the plant to sunlight, and in the evening, hide the pot in a dark place. It should be remembered that artificial lighting can also be harmful and disrupt natural process flowering, so it is better to cover the spurge with something.


Is poinsettia poisonous to people or not?

Poinsettia tissue contains poisonous white milky juice- as, indeed, in all other representatives of the family. This juice contains euphorbic acid, euphorbine and cyanogenic compounds, which can painfully burn the skin, cause inflammation, and if it gets into the eyes, even temporarily blind a person.

Poisonous juices are found in the roots, leaves and stems. It is also worth knowing that the flowering leaves that delight us (those that are so beautifully colored red) owe their color to dyes belonging to anthocyanins.

All this sounds menacing. And so much so that some believe that the name of the plant comes from the English. the word poison, meaning "poison". But this is just complete nonsense! The name "poinsettia" comes from the Poinsett surname of a man named Joel Roberts, who brought the Star of Bethlehem from Mexico to the United States.

  • In practice, as it turns out, information about the strong toxic effect and toxicity of poinsettia is greatly exaggerated.
  • Although Star of Bethlehem may cause gastrointestinal distress, nausea, and vomiting after ingestion, in practice this occurs in less than 10% of human consumption of the plant.
  • The discomfort is usually very mild and rare.

However, if a poinsettia flower appears in the house, it should be installed in a place inaccessible to small children, and when caring for the plant, avoid direct contact with juices that may leak, for example, when a branch is broken.

But there is no need to exaggerate. Great amount indoor plants, grown in our apartments, can be much more poisonous than the Star of Bethlehem.

Can poinsettia cause allergies?

People with latex allergies should avoid growing poinsettias. Almost every second person with this type experiences symptoms of sensitization upon direct contact with the Star.

The result of such contact can be inflammation of the skin, mucous membranes and, much less often, an attack of allergic asthma.

In this regard, with damaged parts plants from which juice flows should be handled carefully, try not to get dirty, and especially not to rub your eyes with milk. Just in case, you should wash your hands thoroughly after work.

Will the Christmas Star be poisonous to your cat or dog?

Poinsettias are not toxic to pets. So, for example, in the case of cats, the risk can generally be defined as small. Plants such as azalea, oleander, clivia, Persian cyclamen or the very popular ficus benjamina are much more dangerous for a cat.

However, it is worth knowing that if the juices of the Christmas star get on the mucous membranes of the animal, they can cause severe irritation and pain. And if swallowed, it may cause severe diarrhea and vomiting, which ultimately leads to dehydration of the pet.

What to do if a cat or dog manages to get poisoned by poinsettia?

  • First aid is to treat irritated eyes or mouth with a clean warm water.
  • Then you should contact a veterinarian, who will give antiemetic medications, charcoal and, if necessary, take measures to hydrate the animal’s body and give it pain relief.

Thus, the toxicity of the poinsettia plant is sometimes greatly exaggerated. But, having this beautiful "Christmas" flower in the house, it would be wise to exercise some caution.

Let's sum it up

Proper care at home is the key to health and lush flowering plants. By following the recommendations of experts, you can grow this unusual tropical flower with your own hands.

Compositions with poinsettias are perfect for decorating an apartment and will become a real decoration festive table. According to the Taoist practice of Feng Shui, such a flower should be placed in the house for people who want to identify new qualities in themselves or decide on their choice of profession. koffkindom.ru

Poinsettia is considered the most festive plant due to its flowering period - Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. The star of Bethlehem flower (another name is spurge) has been known since the times of the Aztecs, who used red pigment to dye textiles and create cosmetics.

Poinsettia care after purchase

Bright scarlet petals in harmony with lush green foliage create a unique ensemble that can decorate any home. It is worth noting that the Christmas star flower is a capricious plant, so even small changes in temperature can cause the leaves to fall off. Proper care of your poinsettia after purchase will help preserve the viability of the flower so that it can please your household for a long time:

  • The indoor plant will certainly need acclimatization, so you should not move the spurge from one place to another. Give him time to get used to the new conditions.
  • You should also provide your poinsettia with timely watering. The beautiful plant does not tolerate drought, but may react negatively to too much soil moisture. It should only be watered when the top layer becomes hard and dry.

Replanting and caring for poinsettia

Touching spurge during flowering is strictly prohibited: it may lose its bracts. It is better to wait until spring, when only foliage remains on the trunk. In order for the plant to bloom again, the poinsettia must be replanted following rules:

  1. New pot should be a few centimeters larger than the one in which the plant was grown.
  2. After carefully removing the poinsettia from the old container, you should plant it at the same depth.
  3. You can leave a layer of soil on the roots so that the Christmas flower with red leaves takes root faster.
  4. Then you need to loosen the soil and add water. It is better not to water the plant through a saucer, because the remaining liquid can cause root rot.
  5. Some gardeners recommend trimming the leaves before replanting, but this is not necessary.


High-quality soil is the key to further flowering, so you should not collect it in the nearest park. It is better to buy fertile soil at a flower shop, paying attention to the composition. The soil for poinsettia must necessarily contain peat, leaf, clay-turf mix. Do not forget about the drainage layer, which helps prevent rotting of the roots.

How to prune a poinsettia

The main condition for the re-blooming of a plant such as poinsettia is home care and timely pruning. When a flower's leaves begin to turn yellow, it's time to get rid of them. You should carefully trim the poinsettia with pruning shears, retreating 17 cm from the soil level. This is necessary for the plant to bloom again and acquire correct form. After this procedure, the New Year's poinsettia flower goes into a dormant period, which lasts about 2 months. During this entire time, you should not fertilize the soil, and the amount of irrigation should be kept to a minimum.

How to propagate poinsettia at home

Euphorbia cannot reproduce by seeds in an apartment, so the housewife will have to make some efforts to get a second specimen. The most in a simple way To propagate poinsettia at home is to cut cuttings from the top. After this, the flower needs to be processed charcoal, preventing the development of various diseases that prevent further reproduction. You should not water the plant before the procedure; it should remain moderately dry.

Propagation by cuttings

The process of propagating poinsettia by cuttings has some features:

  1. After cutting off parts of the crown, you need to get rid of the poisonous juice by putting the shoots in warm water for half an hour.
  2. Cuttings should be planted in a pot with peat soil and watered well.
  3. You need to cover the flower with cling film and leave it in a well-lit place.
  4. The soil needs to be ventilated periodically to prevent the cuttings from rotting.
  5. Once every 3-4 days you need to moisten the plant, not forgetting to spray the emerging sprouts.
  6. After this, you can start feeding the spurge.
  7. After a month, the polyethylene protection should be removed.

How to make it bloom

After a long flowering period, the plant begins a dormant period. At this time, it is necessary to reduce watering to a minimum and exclude the introduction of fertilizing. To make the poinsettia bloom again, you need to prune it in March or April. This will not only stimulate the growth of milkweed, but also make it more branchy. The temperature during the resting period should not be higher than 20°C, otherwise the Christmas star may die.

Caring for poinsettias at home should also be competent. Access of light to the sprouts should be limited. This applies to both natural and artificial light sources. To form flower buds, you need to keep the pot in the dark for at least 8 hours a day. You can cover it with a cardboard box that does not allow sunlight to pass through. This isolation should last 2-3 weeks. When the buds appear, the plant needs to be watered abundantly, continuing to fertilize.

Why do poinsettia leaves turn yellow and fall off?

During the dormant period, spurge begins to shed its leaves, and this is normal. However, if the leaves of a poinsettia turn yellow and fall off a few days after purchase, there must be serious reasons for this:

  1. Temperature difference. The indoor flower does not like the cold, so the pot cannot be leaned against the window and exposed to frost.
  2. The plant has been in plastic wrapping for too long.
  3. The air is too dry.
  4. Poinsettias lack moisture or have too much water.
  5. Prolonged absence of light (if it is not a period of rest).
  6. Pest invasion.

Why don't the leaves turn red?

What makes the Christmas star blush? This is facilitated by a process called photoperiodism. Alternating bright light with its absence causes the plant's leaves to turn red (pink, white, depending on the purchase). What most people mistakenly think is a flower is actually a bract that is found in the center of the leaf.

Why doesn't poinsettia turn red? Most likely, the owner did not follow the rules of photoperiodism. In order for a beautiful flower to delight household members with its beauty again, all conditions must be provided. How to care for poinsettia to achieve redness? During the day, you need to expose the plant to sunlight, and in the evening, hide the pot in a dark place. It should be remembered that artificial lighting can also be harmful and disrupt the natural flowering process, so it is better to cover the milkweed with something.



Do you want to add coziness, warmth and good mood? Then rest assured, the flower called Poinsettia is what will suit you for these purposes. This is the name of the flower, popularly known as the Christmas star, organized proper care of which will simply transform your home.

The Christmas star flower received its bright name because of its beauty and flowering during the most beloved New Year and Christmas holidays. It is for the New Year that quite often this plant is decorated by all household members with small Christmas tree decorations and “rain” in order to feel the coming of the next year, on which everyone will place their hopes. big hopes and dreams. This flower (the photo clearly shows that the Christmas star has a variety of shades) can be of different sizes depending on how you care for it. They can be used to decorate a bedroom, kitchen, or put on beautiful bedside table into the corridor.

Do you want to choose an indoor Christmas star flower for your home? Take all your household members to the store - after all, who else but they will be responsible for care. Why should everyone participate in the choice - yes, because it is unrealistic to stop at just one thing and everyone will be happy to choose their own, unique miracle of nature for their room.

These plants come in bright red, yellow, blue and even purple. There are more than a hundred species in total. In our region, red, cream and pink tones predominate.

The beautiful Poinsettia (with the usual name of the Christmas star flower) has been watched by people for a long time different countries. This plant is native to Mexico and belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family. At home in Central America, the Christmas star grows up to one and a half meters. In apartment conditions, this evergreen plant can “conquer a height” of 50 cm. Few people know that this flower contains white sap, which, however, is not surprising. After all, this is a feature of most plants of the euphorbia family.

These plants are propagated by cuttings, so you can successfully continue the tradition of decorating your home with this type of flower yourself. Plant shoots can be successfully used for propagation. Do not forget that an overgrown flower needs to be replanted in a larger pot. It is better to arrange the transplant itself in the spring - in April or May. And don't forget to water with warm water. There is nothing complicated about all of this, just like... Let us only recall that transplantation of shoots is carried out only in moist soil.

The plant must be handled with care because its sticky white sap is harmful and can cause severe irritation if it comes into contact with your skin or eyes. After the first six months of flowering, the bracts may turn pale and fall off over time. The flower clearly loves light, but like many other plants it is not entirely happy with direct sunlight.

It will grow and please the eye if the temperature in the room where it is located beautiful creature, it will be between 15 and 21 degrees Celsius. If cold weather sets in and the thermometer drops to +10, then you risk leaving your flower without bracts. They will fall off and not bloom.

Belongs to the genus Euphorbia, which belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae. In the wild, this plant is found on the mountain slopes of Guatemala, South America, Costa Rica, in places where it is humid and the sun is not very hot.

D. R. Poinsetta (US Ambassador), leaving Mexico in 1829, took with him cuttings of a plant he liked. Then he began to grow and distribute this hitherto unknown flower, which over time received the name poinsettia in honor of its admirer.

Why is this flower widely known?

Great popularity and rave reviews, especially in last years, poinsettia received due to the fact that its flowering period occurs during the New Year holidays and Christmas. When it’s frosty outside and the day is very short, the Christmas flower poinsettia (as it is also called) can improve a bad mood. After all, he gives to his lucky owners bright colors and amazes with its unusualness from December to March, when the rest of the flowers are in hibernation.

Features of poinsettia and its types

In the wild, the poinsettia plant is evergreen shrub, having a height of up to one and a half meters. However indoor varieties grow up to 40-50 cm. The poinsettia flower has erect, hollow stems, large leaves that are similar to maple leaves, as they have an elongated shape and are pointed at the ends. The plant blooms in small yellowish inflorescences, which are located in the middle of the bracts. They are very bright, and in size and shape they repeat the leaves, but they are colored not green, but white, pink or red. These bracts are necessary for the plant to attract the attention of birds and pollinating insects. It is in them that all the charm of poinsettia lies, and not in the small and inconspicuous yellowish flowers. Poinsettia is an indoor flower that can bloom from two months to six months, then the bracts turn green, turn pale and eventually fall off.

In stores you can most often find red poinsettia. These are varieties Angelica, Barbara, etc. Varieties Pink Ribbon, Regina are home flower cream poinsettia; Festival Rose, Dorothe - pink; White Star, Eckes White This is not a complete list of poinsettia varieties, but they are all obtained from the same variety - “the most beautiful poinsettia” or, in other words, “the most beautiful milkweed”. Outwardly, they are all very similar to each other.

Poinsettia flower: how to care

Since the plant’s homeland is warm countries, it does not tolerate cold. Therefore, there is no need to buy this flower on the street during the cold season. When purchasing, you need to pay attention not to the brightness and beauty of the bracts, but to the flowers themselves. It's best when they are still in bud. If the flowers have opened fully, this means that the poinsettia has been blooming in the store for quite some time, that is, soon there will be no trace of its beauty left. The leaves should be green and dense.

Well, here it is at home, your poinsettia flower. How to care for it correctly and avoid mistakes? After all, in order for a plant to bloom for a long time, it is necessary to show attention and care to it.

You need to ensure that during flowering the temperature does not drop below +16°, but too warm and dry air can negatively affect this guest from hot countries. The poinsettia flower does not like drafts and sudden changes in temperature. Under such conditions, all leaves may fall off.

During flowering it is very necessary bright lighting, which is only possible in an apartment. If there is not enough light, all the leaves may also fall off.

Blooming poinsettias need to be watered well, but only when the soil in the pot is already dry. Under no circumstances should water be allowed to stagnate in the pan. It is advisable to spray the leaves with warm water, which has previously been settled. Air humidity should be from 60 to 90%.

If yellowing of the leaves is observed, then the cause is most likely a violation of the watering regime and insufficient humidity. Both waterlogging and drying out of the soil leads to wilting and falling of leaves. Usually when central heating The air in the apartments is very dry. In such conditions, the inflorescences may fall off and the edges of the leaves may turn yellow. Therefore, the poinsettia leaf requires frequent spraying, which will also be a preventive measure against the proliferation of spider mites.

Care after flowering

Around the beginning of March, when the flower stops blooming, watering is reduced. At this time, poinsettia leaves usually fall off and the so-called dormant period begins. And the plant must be pruned so as to remove half the length of the shoots, and then place it in a poorly lit and cool place (the temperature should not fall below +10°). You need to water very sparingly, but make sure that the soil does not dry out completely. In such conditions, the flower is kept from one and a half to two months.

The dormant period ends at the end of April or beginning of May. At this time, many are wondering how to “revive” a seemingly dead flower and admire it again for a long time. In order for the poinsettia to come back to life and bloom, it is necessary to perform a number of actions.

Preparing poinsettia for the next flowering

It is advisable to replant the plant in new soil. At the same time, in order not to injure the roots, you need to try to keep the earth ball near them. The pot must be larger in size than the previous one; drainage must be placed at the bottom, since the roots of the plant are prone to rotting if the soil is too moist. Included earth mixture there should be peat (1 part), turf (3 parts) and leaf (3 parts) soil, sand (1 part). You can add a small amount of humus. The soil must be loosened regularly to allow air to reach the roots.

After all the manipulations, the flower pot is placed in a warm room on a well-lit windowsill. It is best to prefer a south or south-east window. Immediately you need to start watering the poinsettia well with warm and soft water, but not forgetting to eliminate excess water in the pan.

All these changes in the environment make it clear to the plant that the season has changed and a period of active growth is beginning. Young shoots will soon appear. The poinsettia flower is actively beginning to grow. However, during this period of time, regular (once every two weeks) fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers is required.

Usually there are many young shoots. The strongest ones are chosen from them, about 4-5 pieces. The rest are deleted. But you shouldn’t throw them away; they can become new full-fledged plants if they are rooted.

How to look after a flower in summer?

All summer long, poinsettias need to continue to be fed and watered. If there is such an opportunity, you can move the flower pot to the balcony, but you should choose a place protected from direct sunlight, drafts and wind. If the plant is left on the windowsill, the hot midday sun can scorch it. Never forget to create a shadow.

Here it is autumn

This care continues until autumn. As the air temperature drops, fertilizing and watering of the plant are gradually reduced. There is a very important condition, under which the poinsettia will definitely bloom. From the end of September it is necessary to provide the plant with no more than 10 hours of daylight. To achieve this, you need to cover it with a cardboard box or dark plastic bag from about 6 pm to 8 am. This operation is performed over 2 months. During this time, new flower buds are formed.

All boxes and bags are removed in early November. The flower is watered moderately and kept in a bright and warm place. If you follow all the rules for caring for the plant, the Christmas poinsettia flower will again delight you at the appointed time. And although you need to tinker with the flower, it's worth it! It is known that in the West this plant is considered disposable and is destroyed after flowering. But with proper maintenance, this wonderful flower will delight others for many years to come.

Poinsettia: propagation

Under natural conditions, poinsettia reproduces using seeds that ripen after flowering. But when growing a plant at home, it is quite difficult to obtain these seeds. And you don’t need to try too hard. Since all indoor poinsettias were bred through selection, and when they reproduce using seeds, they “lose” all acquired properties. For these reasons, poinsettia at home is propagated only by cuttings.

How can you grow another poinsettia flower? Reproduction must be carried out by adhering to the following simple rules:

  • It is necessary to select a cutting at least 7 cm in length. Most often it is cut off from new shoots or obtained when thinning a plant. The cutting must have leaves.
  • The shoot must be cut directly below the bottom node. Wherein lower leaves cut off.
  • After trimming, the cuttings are placed in warm water for 10 minutes in order to wash off the milky sap, as it has toxic properties.
  • After all the manipulations, the cuttings are planted in pre-prepared, well-watered soil, the composition of which should be the same as when replanting the poinsettia.
  • After all the manipulations, the pot with the new plant needs to be covered plastic film and place it in a fairly warm and bright place, and make sure that it is not exposed to direct sunlight.

Rooting takes about a month. When young leaves appear, the shoots are pinched. This operation is carried out in order to stimulate the formation of new stems and form lush bush flower.

Pests and diseases

When creating optimal conditions environment Poinsettia, like all indoor flowers, grows and blooms well. If the maintenance rules are violated, this leads to the fact that the flower begins to wither, the leaves turn yellow and wither, and then fall off if timely measures are not taken.

Dry air in most of our apartments contributes to the emergence and proliferation of pests. First of all, we need to talk about spider mites. Spider mites are small red spiders that usually live on the undersides of leaves and weave thin white webs around them. You can get rid of it by washing the leaves, especially from below, with water or a weak tobacco infusion. You can also spray with milk sulfur or ready-made systemic insecticides (this operation must be carried out outside the apartment, in the fresh air).

Mealybugs and scale insects are also pests for the flower. But there is nothing difficult in fighting them. You need to regularly, preferably once a week, wipe the leaves with a damp, soapy cloth or sponge. After this, the poinsettia must be washed in the shower with warm water, covering the ground with polyethylene. This procedure is repeated until the pests completely disappear. If the infection is noticed on time, and the pests of indoor plants have not had time to produce large offspring, then these actions will be quite enough. Otherwise you will have to use by special means, which can be purchased at flower shops.


It is very important to remember that the poinsettia flower is poisonous. It is extremely dangerous for the plant juice to get on the mucous membranes and especially in the eyes, so do not touch them while working with the plant. If this happens, you should immediately rinse your eyes with plenty of water. You should always wash your hands after work.

At home, it is not always possible to achieve re-blooming of poinsettia, and the plant is often thrown away as soon as its red leaves fall off. However, with proper care, poinsettia can bloom again, albeit not as spectacularly. In greenhouses, even lush plants are obtained using growth inhibitors. Natural beauty may seem sweeter to us. Therefore, in order to grow poinsettia at home, you must adhere to a number of simple rules:

THE SOIL. Provide the required soil composition. The soil should be loose and nutritious. Most suitable option- a mixture of turf, peat, leaf soil and sand in equal proportions. Soil acidity should be neutral (pH 6.0-7.0) or slightly acidic (pH 5.0-6.0).

TEMPERATURE REGIME. Considering that the most comfortable room temperature for this plant is at least +20 °C, you should not take it out onto the balcony, even if it is glazed. In addition, it must be borne in mind that the maximum lower temperature threshold must not be lower than 14 °C. At the same time, relatively cool conditions will be needed in the spring from February-March to March-April, during the dormant period of poinsettia. In any case, poinsettia leaves should not touch cold glass; the plant will die from the cold. In spring the plant is transferred to warm room. Talking about temperature conditions for poinsettia, you must keep in mind that the most long flowering observed at a temperature of + 15 °C. For this reason, poinsettias are not placed near heating radiators. In summer, it is better to keep the plant on a balcony or veranda. In September, poinsettia is brought into the house and kept at a temperature of +18 °C.

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The most beautiful poinsettia: features and varietiesRead the full article...

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LIGHTING. It is necessary to take care of bright and good lighting, and categorically avoid direct sunlight. Poinsettia often dies on northern windows. If you manage to equip additional lighting in winter, this will make it possible to prolong the flowering of the plant for a longer period.

WATERING. Poinsettia requires plenty of watering. But at the same time, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil. By the next watering it should dry out, but not turn into a shriveled lump. The water temperature should be several degrees warmer than the air temperature in the room. From cold water the plant may shed its leaves. When watering, water should saturate the substrate, pass through the drainage, and its excess should come out of the hole in the pot. Under no circumstances should the roots be allowed to be constantly in water.

FEEDING. You cannot feed the plant during the flowering period and during the dormant period. Fertilizers long acting added to soil mixture during transplantation. Also, in spring-summer and autumn, before flowering, poinsettia is fed with complex soluble fertilizer 2-3 times a month.

SPRAYING. Twice a day it is necessary to spray the air around the plant, increasing its humidity, thereby creating conditions for the native tropical forests. At the same time, it is not advisable to get it on the leaves; they may become stained. In March, spraying is stopped during the dormant period. With the onset of warm days and the beginning of the growth of new shoots, around May, spraying is resumed. The frequency is observed based on humidity and air temperature. On hot days, spraying is carried out more often; on cool days, spraying is done without it at all.

VENTILATION. In the summer, when keeping poinsettia in a room, ventilate it. This eliminates drafts. At the slightest discomfort, the poinsettia will drop its leaves. IN warm rooms ventilation is carried out at any time of the year.

FORMATION. In order to ensure the formation of flower buds, after the flowering period the plant is cut in half, leaving 3-5 buds, and placed in a dry room with an air temperature of no more than 15 ° C. During this period (about 2 months) it is not watered or is done extremely rarely. Around May, weak new shoots are removed and 5-6 strong ones are left. Transplant the poinsettia into a capacious pot. The pot is placed in a naturally lit room. From this moment, regular watering begins. Make sure that the shoots do not stretch, periodically shortening them until August. This promotes better tillering and formation more inflorescences. In August, flower buds form, so pruning is stopped.

PHOTOPERIODISM. In September-October, poinsettias need to have a short daylight hours (less than 12 hours). To do this, it is covered with dark material, a bag or box for about 14 hours for 2 months. This promotes the formation of buds and the coloring of bracts.

TRANSFER. Poinsettias are replanted every few years. If you need to replant the plant, do it in mid-May after the dormant period ends. Transplantation is carried out using the transshipment method, without disturbing the earthen coma. Take a larger pot, place a three-centimeter drainage layer on the bottom and soil consisting of peat, leaf soil and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1. Then the flower is planted, having previously removed rotten and dead roots, and watered well.

Poinsettia propagation

Under natural conditions, the plant propagates by seeds, at home - exclusively by cuttings in spring or early summer. To do this you need:

Cut a cutting about 7 centimeters long from a new shoot. The cuttings should have 3-6 well-developed buds.

The shoot should be cut directly below the last node from the bottom.

Place the cutting in warm water for ten minutes to wash off the poisonous milky juice, blot the cut and sprinkle with charcoal for disinfection. For better rooting Root formers such as “Kornevin” are used.

Plant the cuttings in well-watered soil. It should include sand, humus and dry manure. Soil temperature for rooting is 24-28 °C.

Cover the pots with plastic wrap and place in a warm, but not dark place without direct sunlight, periodically ventilate and spray.

Rooting will take almost a month.

As it grows, if necessary, replace the pot with bigger way transshipment of plants.

For better tillering, young plants are pinched.

Flowering occurs a year after rooting.

Possible problems, diseases and pests

Poinsettia can suffer from aphids, whiteflies, thrips, spider mites, mealybug. This manifests itself in the appearance of honeydew, spots and curling of leaves, their yellowing, drying out or dying. Some of these signs are also observed when the substrate is waterlogged, lack of drainage, cold air or soil, as well as lack of light. With very dry air and insufficient watering, the leaves become pale, then turn yellow and brown, and the inflorescences fall off.

Proper care of poinsettias and the necessary maintenance conditions will help you avoid these problems. Diseases and pests are treated with standard techniques and medications in these cases.

“Website about plants” www.pro-rasteniya
