Ceiling plinth outer corner. Ceiling plinth, how to make a corner, how to correctly cut the corners of a ceiling plinth, tools for trimming (cutting) the plinth, joining the ceiling plinth in the corners. Material for making fillets

Ceiling plinth outer corner. Ceiling plinth, how to make a corner, how to correctly cut the corners of a ceiling plinth, tools for trimming (cutting) the plinth, joining the ceiling plinth in the corners. Material for making fillets

Typically, the installation of foam or polyurethane ceiling moldings, as well as the installation floor plinth, becomes the final stage of execution repair work. And if gluing fillets on a straight surface is not particularly difficult, then you will have to work hard with the corners, especially when there is no skill and little experience. With all this, the docking itself is not a difficult task; the main attention and diligence is given to cutting the sticks for the right angle, which, by the way, can be external and internal.

Subtleties of the upcoming task

The most difficult thing is with the external joints. But even in this case, you can make a neat decoration of the room on your own and in two ways:

  • The first is to purchase special fittings, which, in general, eliminate the need to cut the baseboards. This is the simplest solution to the problem, because both external and internal corners with grooves are available for sale, into which the edges of the stucco molding are inserted.
  • In the second option, the corners are cut using a special tool called a miter box. Its use ensures an even and tight fit of the planks to the surface. By the way, you can simply make markings on the baseboards and cut the product with a metal file or a sharp knife.

We use a miter box

Using a miter box to cut fillets

This tool was originally created for cutting finishing materials, which subsequently need to be mounted at a specific angle. The appearance of such a device and its design may differ slightly depending on the model, but the principle of operation remains the same.

So, for example, cutting ceiling plinth, future angles can be adjusted, and the simplest version of the tool is a wooden tray with vertical slots on the walls. They are needed so that it is possible to insert a hacksaw and make a cut at an angle of 45 or 90 degrees. If desired, you can make a miter box yourself.

A slightly more complex modification is a tool that allows you to make cuts at an angle of 60 degrees, or position the file at an angle of 45 degrees. Professional repairmen use a miter box with rotating mechanisms, which allow you to secure the hacksaw as needed in each specific case.

Instructions for cutting skirting boards

Tools for cutting skirting boards

Before you make a corner on the ceiling plinth with your own hands, it is recommended to study the simple instructions:

  • To cut corners, the baguette is inserted into the miter box, the desired cutting angle is selected, then a file is installed in the corresponding slot in the wall of the tool, and you can cut;
  • A similar procedure must be done with the other fillet, only the corners must be cut using the opposite cut in the wall of the tool, but at the same angle.

Please note that you do not need to immediately cover the baseboards with an adhesive mixture and mount them on the ceiling. To begin, eliminate all cutting inaccuracies by connecting the parts and checking whether they form a perfectly straight joint. To add to everything else, the outer and inner corners for the ceiling plinth are cut differently.

If we are talking about cutting a plinth to create an external corner, then:

Trimming adjacent fillets for outside corners

  • The bar that will be attached to the left should be on the side of the miter box closest to you, and lie with the bottom up. The hacksaw should be inserted into the farthest right and closest left cut;
  • The bar that will be attached to the right is placed in the same way, only the hacksaw needs to be inserted into the far left and near right cut in the wall of the miter box.

In the case when you need to refine the inner corners, proceed as follows:

Trimming internal corners of ceiling plinths

  • The strip that will be glued to the left should lie with the bottom side up and on the near side of the miter box. Cutting tool is inserted into the far left and nearest right cut.
  • The baguette that will be mounted on the right is placed in the same way, only the hacksaw should be inserted into the far right and closest left grooves.

What to do if there is no miter box?

Cutting skirting boards without using a miter box

Now we offer an option on how to cut the required corner of the ceiling plinth if you do not have the necessary tool. In this case, you can make a marking and then use a file or knife along it. To begin, prepare a ruler, a pencil and a stationery knife, and the process itself is as follows:

  • Initially, the corner of the room itself is measured, for which it is enough to attach a baguette to it and make the necessary notes on it. Usually it is equal to 90 degrees, but there are also errors.
  • You need to apply a ruler to the baguette at an angle of 45 degrees, and cut off the excess part with a precise sharp movement. If you have to work with harder materials, such as wood or polyurethane, you will have to electric jigsaw or a hacksaw, and cut along the line drawn with a pencil.
  • Be sure to check whether both cut strips form a right angle, and only then start installing them under the ceiling.
  • In the case when the angle of the wall is uneven, you need to measure it and divide the resulting value by 2. This will be the required indicator for applying markings to the baseboard.

Uneven corners can be corrected using sandpaper, or trimmed a little to the desired position, but for a ceiling plinth with a large error in the straightness of the angle it is difficult to come up with something, and it is better to start cutting new planks.

After reading all this, it may seem that you won’t be able to cut the required corners yourself. But if you carefully read all the recommendations, it turns out that everything is much simpler and faster.

Ceiling plinths have many different functions, here are the main ones.

  1. Aesthetic function. The plinth covers various joints and irregularities on the ceiling and walls, thereby making the transition from ceiling to wall beautiful and graceful.
  2. Decorative function. There are many types of skirting boards. Many of them are superbly made and decorated in such a way that they can really attract the attention of guests. That is why the plinth can serve as a separate decoration for the apartment, a kind of “zest” that will give the interior completeness and unique originality.

Unfortunately, installing skirting boards is not as easy as it seems. The main difficulty lies in finishing the corners. Almost no one succeeds in completing this difficult task correctly the first time. That is why today we will talk about how to properly install the plinth so that its corners look harmonious and fit tightly together?

What tools will you need for the job?

  • pencil;
  • tape measure or ruler;
  • hacksaw;
  • miter box.

The last tool is worth mentioning separately. A miter box is a device that is not too complicated to set up and can be bought at any building materials store.. It is made of wood or plastic tray with slots into which a hacksaw is inserted. Typically, the holes are designed so that products can be cut at an angle of 45 and 90 degrees. More “advanced” models have the ability to cut at an angle of 60 degrees. The most professional and sophisticated models allow you to do this in any direction and at any angle, thanks to the rotating blades of the knife.

What are we going to cut with?

Before starting work, you should determine what material the ceiling plinths are made of.

Table. Materials used in the manufacture of ceiling plinths.


The most fragile material, easily crumbles. One of the advantages is its low cost. But it is negated by the shortcomings of the material - due to the fragility of polystyrene foam, you need to use a hacksaw or knife in the work. When cutting, you should not press hard; you should work carefully and carefully, otherwise the plinth will break.

Such skirting boards are also inexpensive, but they are also quite fragile. As with the previous material, here you also need to be careful in your work. In addition, PVC skirting boards attract dust, as they are highly electrostatic. Products are cut with a knife or hacksaw.

These skirting boards have higher strength and reliability than their counterparts, but are also more expensive. When cut, they hardly crumble and are difficult to break. When working, you should use a construction knife or a hacksaw designed for working with metal products.

The most durable and reliable type of skirting boards. They are the most difficult to work with due to the increased strength and resistance of the wood to physical impact. When carrying out the procedure, use a hacksaw. It is good if it has small teeth, since large teeth often cause damage to the tree.

Quite strong and reliable fillets (this is another name for ceiling plinths). But they have quite significant drawback. It lies in the fact that polyurethane products do not tolerate temperature changes well and are very sensitive to cold or, conversely, strong heat. This is worth considering before you start working with products of this type.

On a note! There are special fittings that make the difficult process of installing fillets easier. These are special corners designed for inserting skirting boards into them.

They are useful because they hide various errors made when working with the installation of fillets. You just need to cut the baseboard at an angle of 90 degrees, and the corner will do the rest of the work for you. It will mask holes and cracks, if any, and give the ceiling beautiful view and will make your work much easier.

Let's get down to business

So, all the preparations are completed, the baseboards have been selected, and the most important thing remains - to cut them beautifully and accurately, so that later you don’t have to redo the whole job again. There are two cutting methods: with and without a miter box. Both methods will be described here. Let's start with the easier one.

Cutting fillets using a miter box

Corners can be either external or internal. Let's take a closer look at each of the options.

Trimming the inner corner of the product

First you need to attach the part to the ceiling. This is done to measure the required length of the fillet. After all measurements have been taken, you can install the plinth in a pre-prepared miter box. Try to install it so that the location of the fillet is exactly the same as on the ceiling. Hold the ceiling plinth with your left hand and make sure that the fillet is tightly against the wall of the instrument located further away. The part that is intended to be attached to the ceiling should be on top, and the bottom should be pressed tightly to the bottom of the miter box.

The hacksaw blade should be rotated at 45 degrees. Check if this is the case and start pruning. In this case, the hacksaw should be as close to the left hand as possible. When cutting, do not press too hard on the tool.

After the part is cut, proceed to processing the adjacent baseboard. It must be cut in the same way as the previous one, only in reverse, in a “mirror image”.

Attention! When working with fillets made of PVC or polystyrene foam, start working from the front of the product. Then the final result will be more neat and aesthetic.

Trimming the outer corner of the product

First you need to make the correct calculations and measurements for perfect trimming of the baseboard. To do this, measure the distance that the fillet occupies from the corner located on outside, to the nearest wall. On the underside of the plinth, draw a line indicating the required length, but be sure to remember that top part the fillet extends slightly outwards.

After all measurements and calculations are completed, proceed to trimming the model. Place the fillet in the miter box and carefully trim the product. Measure the adjacent plinth in the same way as the previous one, make a reserve. Cut in a mirror image to the first baseboard.

Sample of the finished result

Now you can attach the resulting skirting boards to the ceiling and see what happens. The joints of the parts must be smooth, without cracks or nicks, and fit tightly to each other. If this does not happen, do not be upset: an ordinary knife will help you out. With its help, you can trim the edges of the plinth until you are satisfied with the result.

Note! The process of cutting fillets using a miter box is suitable only when the angle between the walls is 90 degrees. Otherwise, you will have to trim manually.

Ceiling plinths: cut using manual markings

If it is not possible to use a miter box in your work, you must first properly prepare to work without it. It's best to practice on a dummy ceiling fillet. Scraps of skirting boards left over from previous work will also work.

It is worth noting that the method of cutting skirting boards without a miter box is more accurate, since you can more accurately and correctly mark the angle for cutting. This method is more convenient for cutting the inner corners of the baseboards. True, there are also disadvantages of manual trimming - a fillet made of wood or polyurethane is difficult to hold in weight during measuring work.

  1. Let's get to work. First of all, cut two special blanks at an angle of 90 degrees with a pre-prepared tool.
  2. After this is done, you can apply the plank to the ceiling, resting its end against the wall located perpendicular to the baseboard. We take a pencil and draw lines directly on the ceiling, indicating the contour of the fillet.
  3. We carry out similar actions with the adjacent plank, we also lean it against the ceiling and draw a pencil line.
  4. Then we carefully examine the improvised drawing. The point where the lines intersect is where you need to cut the baseboard. But it's better to be safe. Again, place each fillet in turn against your ceiling and mark on them the place according to which the cutting will be done. You need to draw a line from this place to the other edge of the baseboard. Then you need to cut the fillets along all the drawn lines.
  5. After the cutting process is completed, join the skirting boards together and apply them to the ceiling in the place where you are going to install.

Trimming the corners of the ceiling plinth by marking: 1. Mark the line of the first plinth. 2. Mark the line of the second plinth. 3. Mark the intersection point on the baseboards. 4. Cut skirting boards are joined in the corner.

If, after all the work carried out, you notice that the plinths are installed unevenly, there are gaps, cracks or other errors in the work, do not rush to despair and redo everything again. Putty or other sealant will help you out. With them you can carefully fill the resulting voids without causing damage to the baseboards and their appearance. Fast and convenient, and most importantly – beautiful.

How to make a miter box with your own hands

Let's look at a few simple options.

paper version

If you have the skill to work with drawings, you can try to make a handy tool out of paper with your own hands.

For this you will need:

  • paper (cardboard, Whatman paper, etc.);
  • protractor;
  • simple pencil.

The miter box template is made like this. First you need to draw two parallel lines and determine the place that is their center. Next we need a protractor. Use it to mark all the necessary corners on the paper. We draw your attention to the fact that before you start cutting the skirting boards, you should use a special corner to check the distance between the walls, and also measure them with a protractor. Only after all the manipulations have been carried out can the fillets be cut.

Remember that the right side of the part is cut from the left side. And the left side is, respectively, with the right. But in a miter box these parts are placed the other way around. The right part should be placed on the left side, and the left part on the right.

Wooden version

There are two ways to make such a miter box.

There is a third way to replace a purchased miter box. But it does not imply making a model of an instrument from wood or paper. You just need to take any object that forms an angle. They can serve as a corner or a tabletop made of wood. Take careful measurements before cutting your skirting boards. To mark the corner of the fillet located inside, the length should be measured from it. But for the outline outer corner you need to be guided by the fact that the plinth will protrude into the room at a distance equal to the width of the fillet. According to all these calculations, mark the plinth lines.

In conclusion, we note that the work of cutting skirting boards is very complex and painstaking. It is rarely possible to cut fillets the first time so that they fit perfectly into place and do not form cracks or gaps. If this happens, don’t despair, because you can always correct the mistakes by filling the cracks with putty. Then the room will take on a well-groomed appearance, and you will rightfully be considered a master of your craft.

Video - How to cut a corner of a ceiling plinth without a miter box

To install a continuous plinth, it is necessary to correctly connect it in the outer and inner corners, exactly as with the adjacent elements and the wall. In this article we will talk about how to properly cut down a ceiling plinth.

Methods for cutting corners on ceiling plinths

There are three main methods for cutting corners on skirting boards:

  • using a miter box;
  • using a drawing on the table;
  • using markings on the ceiling.

How to properly cut down a ceiling plinth using a miter box?

What is a miter box? This special tool, which looks like a tray with slots. The grooves are designed for precise cutting of corners on bars, slats and other elements. As a standard, the miter box has stencils for angles such as 45, 60, 67.5, 90 degrees.

Formation of internal and external corners

How to saw off a ceiling plinth for an outer corner? In order to cut it, it is necessary to place the plinth into the miter box on the side from which the element will be fixed to the ceiling. Thus, ceiling molding applied to the near wall of the miter box. After this, the plinth itself is cut along the gutter, which has a slope of 45 degrees.

The fillet is applied with the bottom part to the top of the miter box. Thus, we will see the element exactly from the angle in which it is attached to the ceiling. Do not forget that the lower point of the cut will border the corner of the wall, that is, it will extreme point profile.

In order to cut the left plinth of the outer corner, the hacksaw is positioned from left to right, and for the plinth on the right, on the contrary, from right to left.

What should you do to cut off the inner corner of the left plinth? In this case, the bottom extreme point of the element will protrude, so the left fillet is cut from right to left, and the right fillet is cut from left to right (read: " "). Thanks to this, we will get an internal angle.

Cutting corners using a drawing on the table

But how to cut down a ceiling plinth if you don’t have a miter box in your arsenal? You can do it differently. To do this, we need a drawing on the table that will imitate a stencil with corners.

First, two lines are drawn in parallel on the surface, the distance between which is equal to the inside of the miter box groove, namely 8.5 cm. Now, using these lines, a square is made in which two diagonals are drawn. Thus, we got guide angles of 45 degrees.

Cutting off the inner corner of the left skirting board

Subsequent operations are no different from how we made the inner corner using a miter box. Only in this case we press the plinth not against the side (which simply does not exist), but against the drawn line. To make it easier for you to level the baseboard, place a box against the line. This will give you a surface on which to rest the baseboard. Remember that the baseboard should not lie directly on the line. This is why the box is used.

When cutting, the bottom of the baseboard will be facing away from you. For an external corner, the upper corner of the profile will be protruding, and for an internal corner - bottom corner.

Marking the ceiling for installing skirting boards

This method is used if the corners of your room are not straight, that is, not 90 degrees. In this case, cutting according to a miter box or stencil on the table will not give the desired results.

First you need to make a simple drawing. The plinth is placed in the corner and a line is drawn along its level on the ceiling. A similar operation is performed on the adjacent wall. Now, if you place the baseboard against the wall, one of the lines will intersect it (see photo). This point and the bottom corner of the baseboard are on the cutting line. Thus, the required cutting angle is obtained.

To form external corners, a similar drawing is made. Only in this case the upper part of the plinth will protrude.

For cutting skirting boards from hard materials(wood, plaster, polyurethane) use a hacksaw for metal. Fine teeth allow for an even cut. But this does not mean that a hacksaw with fine teeth will achieve the same results.

For cutting corners foam baseboard a sharp construction knife is used. You cannot cut this material with a hacksaw.

The first ceiling plinths were made from gypsum. But they didn't last long on the market building materials (main reason– high cost gypsum skirting boards), giving way to products made of polystyrene foam, wood and polystyrene foam.

Before you begin a detailed analysis of the question of how to correctly cut a corner on a ceiling plinth, you need to find out what the features of each category of products presented are.

Polystyrene foam is the most economically advantageous material for the manufacture of ceiling plinths. The main advantages of this category of products are:

  • low cost;
  • looks great on the ceiling;
  • it is not difficult to choose skirting boards that harmoniously fit into the interior of almost any room;
  • cuts well;
  • These skirting boards are easy to work with.

There is also " back side medals"- foam plastic products break easily, but many experienced specialists They claim that this fact is not a serious problem (the plinth on the ceiling is not subject to physical impact).

Even if you don’t know how to properly cut the corners of a ceiling plinth, you can practice on products from the presented category (cut pieces, etc.).

Expanded polystyrene, which is used as a material for the production of ceiling plinths, is stronger than polystyrene foam, but this criterion negatively affects the cost of the products.

The main advantages of this category of skirting boards are their high strength, long service life and the ability to cut off the corners you need without much physical effort.

Wood products are more expensive and look more solid than the above products. But this category of ceiling plinths is difficult to machine.

In order to cut a corner, you will not only have to work with a hacksaw (experienced experts recommend using a metal blade), but also eliminate unevenness using sandpaper.

The issue of cutting the corners of ceiling plinths must be decided taking into account the materials that are used for their production. For example, to prepare foam plastic products, you can use a regular stationery knife, which will be a bad help if you are installing wooden baseboards.

Preparing corners using a miter box

Builders, carpenters and specialists involved in renovation of premises know this device well.

Miter box – special wooden instrument with slots in the form of an inverted letter “P”, which allows you to cut a board or baseboard to create an angle of 45 or 90 degrees.

In addition to this device, you will need a stationery knife, a hacksaw for metal and sanding paper if you are working with wooden baseboards.

Preparation of corners should be carried out without excessive physical effort so as not to damage the baseboard.

  • At the bottom of the miter box you need to place the side that will be in contact with the ceiling, and the lower part is pressed against the right wall.
  • The adjacent corner is prepared in the same way, but the plinth is applied to the left wall/slot.
  • The resulting sections are applied to the corner, if you succeed big gap, smooth out the unevenness using a utility knife.
  • If there is a small gap between the prepared skirting boards, eliminate it after attaching all the elements using putty.

An analysis of the question of how to cut a ceiling plinth will be incomplete without focusing readers’ attention on one thing: important point. In specialized stores you can find special corner elements that will ensure a perfect connection of the skirting boards for the ceiling.

To do this, just cut the strips at right angles and then insert them into the connecting element. But this solution to the problem cannot always be applied in practice.

Very often the connecting detail looks ridiculous, stands out strongly against the general background and spoils appearance premises.

The main disadvantage of preparing baseboards using a miter box is the fact that this method is only suitable for rooms where the angle between the walls is 90 degrees.

Any deviations or irregularities may prevent you from completing this work efficiently. And one more piece of advice from experts.

If you do not have experience preparing the corners of baseboards, practice on scraps or unusable material before attempting this task.

How to make a miter box without the help of specialists

If you don't have a miter box, but you know it will help you get perfect corners, then make this device with your own hands.

For this you will need:

  • three small boards;
  • nails;
  • hammer;
  • hacksaw for metal.

Make a small U-shaped tray with cuts that form the angles necessary for your task. The main thing is to take your time, check your cuts carefully (preferably with a protractor) and make sure that your design is stable.

If you know how to cut a corner of a ceiling plinth, but to do this you need a device that allows you to cut non-standard corners on fillets (another name for plinths), make the right tool with your own hands.

To do this you need to connect two rectangular boards letter “G”, and make cuts on one of them. On paper, using a protractor, you need to draw lines so that they form with one of the boards required angles. The device is ready, all that remains is to test its functionality in practice.

As a last resort, you can always find some thing that will help you cut off part of the baseboard at the desired angle (a book, a table pushed against the wall, etc.).

Important point! When taking measurements, keep in mind that for the outer corner of the ceiling plinth you need to take a margin equal to its width (the fillets, in this case, protrude outward).

How to cut ceiling plinth without special tools

If you don't have a miter box and desire to do it, using the above recommendations, try cutting the baseboard without using a special tool.

To do this, you need to place the fillet against the ceiling (only in the way it will be fixed) and draw a line.

A similar operation is carried out with another wall forming a corner. The intersection point of the two lines will show you where to cut off the part of the ceiling plinth. To do this, you need to once again attach the bar to the ceiling and draw a line from the indicated point to the end of the plinth, to the bottom corner.

If you need to prepare material for an external corner, use the following algorithm:

  • WITH right side The plinth is applied to the ceiling and a line is drawn along it.
  • A similar operation is carried out on the left side of the corner.
  • You need to make two marks on the baseboard: the place where the corner of the room passes and the point where your lines intersect.
  • After connecting these points you will get the required cutting line.

Among the main disadvantages of the presented method, it is necessary to highlight the fact that sometimes significant errors occur, the cause of which can be: human factor, a bad pencil or an uneven ceiling/walls.

Joining the plinth

Having studied the information presented in detail, you will be able to answer the question of how to cut the ceiling plinth using different methods for solving this problem. But besides this, you need to know effective ways plank connections.

One of the methods (which has already been mentioned) is based on the use of connecting elements.

They are available for external corners, for internal ones, and also for connecting skirting boards on straight sections. Very convenient way, allowing you to save time, and in some cases, financial resources.

Even experienced specialists will not be able to install skirting boards for ceilings so that everything is perfectly smooth and beautiful.

To ensure that the quality of the work performed is at top level, you must use the following recommendations:

  • on straight sections of the plinth, you need to connect it so that one part slightly covers the other;
  • after applying glue at the joints, the residues must be wiped off;
  • all gaps between different parts or between skirting boards and the ceiling/walls must be sealed using sealant ( Alternative option– putty with water-based paint).

If you are interested in the question of how to cut corners on a ceiling plinth, from a theoretical point of view, or you are planning to make repairs in the indefinite future, then you should remember some tips:

  • When renovating a room, make sure that all elements not only create an overall beautiful picture, but also “joined” with each other;
  • You should not buy ceiling plinths made of wood if you do not know how to work with it;
  • Fix the planks only after they are completely prepared (it is unlikely that you will be able to smooth out irregularities on a glued ceiling plinth);
  • installation of ceiling planks should be carried out starting from the corners, according to the principle: “from complex to simple”;
  • When buying ceiling plinths, take the material with a reserve (not only taking into account possible errors, but also to compensate for losses on uneven walls).

Practice shows that cutting ceiling plinths, despite the complexity of this process from the position of beginners, after “going through” several corners, is perceived much easier. But doing similar work in a room with rounded corners can be a serious challenge even for specialists.

Typically, such problems are solved using a method that is based on creating “sections” where the lower part is wider than the upper. This work requires perseverance, a good eye and accuracy.

After a detailed study of the question of how to cut ceiling plinths in the corners, even a person without experience in this field of activity will be able to independently complete this task at home.

As a result, you will not only save money, but also receive moral satisfaction after the repair work.

Today it is impossible to imagine the interior of a residential building or apartment without ceiling skirting boards. Skirting covers uneven areas suspended ceiling or wallpaper, cracks and imperfections in the walls, gives the interior completeness. But how to make sure that the plinth fits perfectly in the most important place - in the corner? There are several ways.

Using a miter box

A miter box will help you correctly cut the plinth for installation in the corner - a special device that is a tray for cutting boards, plastic, etc. under different angles. You can buy a miter box in a store or make it yourself. Usually a miter box sold in stores comes with a saw, but you can also use your own tool.

The miter box has a recess for the board or plinth to be cut and slots for the saw, located at an angle of 45 and 90 degrees. You will need to cut the baseboard at a 45 degree angle.

To cut a baseboard using this device, you need to follow these steps.

  1. We apply the plinth to the future mounting location.
  2. We mark where we will cut.
  3. We place the plinth in the groove of the miter box so that the lower part is pressed against the surface of the device, and the part that will be lubricated with glue “looks” up.
  4. We cut off the section by inserting the saw into one of the 45-degree holes.
  5. We correct the cuts using a knife or the same saw (we remove irregularities).

After this, the plinth can be glued into place.

How to make a miter box yourself?

If desired, a miter box can be made at home. It can be made of wood or iron. The dimensions of the workpiece do not play a special role, but the wider it is, the more accurate your cuts will be. However, if the width is greater than the length of the hacksaw with which you will cut the baseboards or boards, then sawing will be extremely inconvenient, so you do not need to take a workpiece that is too wide.

First, a transverse straight line is marked in the center of the workpiece. Then, at a distance of 1/2 the width of the workpiece from the intersection of the straight line with the edges of the workpiece, marks are made. Then these marks are connected crosswise, as shown in the figure.

Next, the process of marking the side walls of the miter box begins. Attach them to the already marked base and make marks, focusing on the markings of the base. Then draw straight lines from these marks across the entire wall.

After this, the process of installing the miter box begins. The walls must be attached to the base using self-tapping screws if the device is made of wood or chipboard, or corners with bolts if it is made of steel. Only after installation, the slots for the saw are cut in the miter box.

After making the slits, the miter box is ready. If you have large volume work or you want to do repairs regularly (on a professional basis), this simple device can speed up the process of cutting skirting boards by 5-10 times.

How to cut a baseboard without a miter box?

The easiest way is to draw on paper (cardboard, wallpaper) future line cut, and then, attaching the baseboard blank to it, cut it off.

To do this, you first need to attach the baseboard blank to the paper and draw two parallel lines that will mark the sides of the baseboard. Then, using a protractor, you will have to measure 45 degrees and draw a line for the future cut. Then the drawing is used in the same way as a miter box: a workpiece is placed on it and the excess is sawed off along the line.

The disadvantage of this method is that the saw will have to be held suspended, focusing on the drawing, and not inserted into a pre-prepared slot.

If the angle is not right

Unfortunately, in some cases the angle between the walls in a room is not straight, but acute, or, conversely, obtuse. This is due to design defects that arose due to the fault of unprofessional builders, the architect’s idea, or the result of soil subsidence some time after the construction of the building. This is especially common in village houses and dachas.

No miter box or drawing replacing it will help in this case, and you will have to make markings in place.

  1. Place the workpiece against one of the walls so that its end rests against the other wall.
  2. Draw a line on the ceiling along the workpiece.
  3. Carry out the same operation against the other wall.
  4. At the intersection of the two lines, place a mark on the workpiece itself.
  5. Draw a line from the mark to the corner of the workpiece and cut along it.
  6. Do the same with the workpiece that you will attach to the other wall.
  7. Glue both blanks; they will fit tightly.

External corners

It happens that a room has not only internal, but also external corners, which also need to be covered with plinth (see photo). How to do it? There are several ways here too. The easiest way is, as in the case with internal corners, trim them using a miter box. The external joints must be cut so that the side that will be glued to the ceiling is on the surface of the miter box, and the side pressed against the wall is facing the wall of the device.

As in the case of internal corners, you can also use markings “in place”, that is, draw lines on the ceiling. Here the technology exactly repeats that used for internal corners.

You can use markings on the wall by attaching a blank and drawing a line along its lower edge (see photo).

If external corner turns out to be too rounded, you can refine the joint with a knife.

To the point where they converge, a line is drawn directly along the future part of the connection. From the point on the ceiling to the second one. The resulting marking will be the line along which you need to saw off or cut off the connecting parts. Using these techniques, you no longer have to wonder how to cut the corners of the ceiling plinth.

What tools can you use?

The feasibility of using certain tools is related to the materials from which the plinth will be made.

Table 1. Types of materials and features of their use.

Type of materialMaterial properties, requirementsTool
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)PVC skirting boards are distinguished by the fact that they are easily damaged when pressed and no longer restore their former appearance, since they lack elasticity. Therefore, such skirting boards cannot be pressed when cutting.Cut construction knife or a hacksaw for metal. A blade or sharpened kitchen knife will also work.
StyrofoamFoam plinth is also not very durable, but it is better than its polyvinyl chloride counterparts. Easily crumbles.You can use the same tools as for PVC
TreeStronger and more aesthetically pleasing than their polymer counterparts, but more expensive.It is best to cut wood with a hacksaw; you can cut it with metal, although this way you risk clogging the teeth of the blade with sawdust. A wood saw with fine teeth is best.

Using factory corners is an alternative to cutting and sawing

Instead of cutting out skirting boards, you can use ready-made corners, which are sold in the same construction stores. In this case, the main plinth can simply be measured and cut in the usual way, at a right angle, and then attach end-to-end with the corner element.

The disadvantage of corner elements is that they are actually and visually larger than the baseboard, which is why the corner will be noticeable. This can ruin the look of the room. It is also inconvenient to use corners where the walls do not meet strictly at an angle of ninety degrees. But in most cases they look great.


Thus, cutting corners when gluing skirting boards is one of the most complex and responsible procedures, for which it is advisable to use a special device - a miter box - which allows you to cut the skirting board at an angle of 45 degrees. If the angle between the walls is not straight, you have to use manual marking. The cutting tools used depend on the material from which the baseboard is made.

Video - How to properly join skirting boards
