How I managed to beautifully and economically arrange a summer cottage. How to arrange a summer cottage? Ideas for a summer cottage How to easily arrange a summer cottage

How I managed to beautifully and economically arrange a summer cottage. How to arrange a summer cottage? Ideas for a summer cottage How to easily arrange a summer cottage

In order to relax comfortably at the dacha, it is not enough to just have a house. It is desirable that it be furnished with taste, regardless of its size. Even in a house with one room, where a cozy atmosphere has been created, you can feel more pleasant than in a tastelessly furnished mansion. Do you agree? Then we invite you to consider the simplest, but at the same time cool ideas for decorating a country house inside with your own hands. Photos of projects will help you choose your style.

Ideas for arranging the inside of a country house with your own hands, photo

Country house inside: how to arrange it?

The design of a small house will be successful and comfortable if you adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Remove unnecessary things from the room.
  • When choosing furniture, it is best to give preference to multifunctional options: a folding bed, a sofa bed, a folding table, or a model that can be stored in a closet. For small rooms, the ideal option would be transformable furniture.
  • The space should not be cluttered with wall cabinets. Their absence allows you to expand the room, it is better to hang several light shelves.
  • To expand the space, use light shades of furniture, textiles, and decoration.

When planning permanent summer residence at the dacha, you should provide for the presence of a water supply and drainage of wastewater into an equipped septic tank. If in a holiday village there are interruptions in the water supply, then you can put a water tank with a volume of about 200 liters on the roof or a special pedestal. In addition, during the day, the water will heat up in the sun, and it can be used for a summer shower. The container is installed higher than the taps.

If you need to arrange a warm toilet, you can purchase a dry toilet and install it in a house or an adjoining building, not forgetting to ventilate the room. Heating the house is very important. Even in summer, with prolonged rains, the room becomes damp and cool. If the house is not equipped with a stove or fireplace, you can install an infrared or convection heater that allows you to set a constant temperature mode.

The finishing of walls and ceilings inside the house can be made from various materials, many of which are environmentally friendly and practical. There are two types of gypsum boards on sale - gypsum fiber boards and dry plaster. The slabs are gypsum, strengthened with reinforced fibers, and pressed with cellulose fibers. Thanks to this, you get a reliable product into which it is not dangerous to screw a screw or hammer a nail. Gypsum fiber board is moisture resistant and can be used to decorate a kitchen, basement, or bathroom. Dry plaster is gypsum, covered on both sides with cardboard, to which, for greater porosity, a foaming agent has been added, which helps reduce weight and thermal conductivity. Such products are convenient to use for interior decoration.

Plywood is a material that has been used since Soviet times. It is sold in any specialized store and is easy to work with. Plywood is pressed from several wood-fiber layers and can be standard or with increased moisture resistance. When covering a room, the walls “breathe,” which creates a healthy microclimate in the room. Good thermal insulation qualities will help make the house warmer, and sound insulation will ensure silence. Walls and ceilings covered with plywood can be painted, varnished or stained, or covered with wallpaper.

Materials for interior decoration of a country house

In recent years, plastic panels have been used to decorate the interior of the house, which are produced in two types - with photo printing and laminated. The first option is more suitable for creating an original design, while the second will appeal to lovers of the classic style. The advantages of the panels include their ease of use, long service life, ease of maintenance, variety of colors and textures, and fire safety.

Wallpaper is no less popular for the decorative finishing of a country house; moreover, there is currently a wide variety of them: paper, liquid, textile, vinyl, photo wallpaper, glass wallpaper. In addition, natural or artificial stone, plastic lining, and plaster are used for finishing. The more time spent outside the city, the more comfortable the living space should be. To do this, you can take the following actions:

  • If the house does not have a porch, it is advisable to add one with a canopy on top. This will help unload the hallway; you can leave dirty shoes on the porch without bringing them into the house. You can put a small bench or a folding chair on it for relaxing.
  • Even if the house consists of one room, it needs a kitchen. Since it is impossible to allocate a full-fledged room, you need to equip at least a kitchen corner. To do this, you need to put a cupboard for dishes, a table with chairs. It is convenient to use a sliding table or equip a tabletop that is attached to the wall, and it can be raised at any time to free up space. The chairs can be folding, which are easy to put away or take out if necessary. Ensure the availability of household appliances, from the minimum necessary appliances - an electric stove (or electric oven) and a refrigerator, which will significantly facilitate living conditions.
  • It is necessary to take care of arranging a sleeping place for each family member. It is no secret that many owners of summer cottages take furniture there that has already served its purpose. But sleeping on a sagging sofa or mattress is not only not comfortable, but also not healthy. After a hard day in the garden, you need a good rest, on a comfortable bed. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase normal furniture, even the simplest one, but with a good mattress, which will allow you to feel rested after sleep.
  • It is necessary to hang mosquito nets on windows and doors, or use tulle curtains to prevent the access of flying insects.

IMPORTANT! The internal contents of a country house are determined by the type of its structure. If the room is small, then it is better to use built-in furniture (cabinets, benches), which can be built

Country house design styles

For a small country house, you can choose a country style design. This style is characterized by bright colors and organically combines wood and textiles. Colored pillows, napkins, and curtains will help create coziness. Handmade crafts, knitted items, and homemade items are also suitable for this.

If the furniture in the house is quite old-fashioned, but still of good quality, you can equip the room in a retro style. Previously fashionable paintings and figurines will harmoniously fit into the interior. Arranged vases with fresh flowers will add a touch of charm. The general design of the room is done in light colors.

Designers recommend zoning the area, allocating areas for rest, sleep, and cooking. If it is not possible to allocate a separate room for a bedroom, it can be fenced off with a sliding screen or wardrobe. It would be appropriate to place a small floor lamp or hang a sconce in each zone, which will add coziness in the evening.

My suburban area is my own territory, the arrangement of which I can fulfill any of my fantasies. This is one of those pleasant things that you want to start immediately. How to arrange a summer cottage, what the garden will be like, where the pond will be, everything depends on us and our desires.

Having received a summer cottage as personal property, we get the opportunity to discover the artist within ourselves, express our creativity, and make our long-time dreams come true. How to arrange a summer cottage will depend entirely on our desire and the skill of our hands.

But first we need to identify the circumstances that do not suit us. Maybe these are old trees, unnecessary buildings left over from former owners, large stones. Before you uproot and throw it all away, I advise you to decide what you actually want to get.

Draw up an action plan, outline a specific goal. It is quite possible that when arranging a summer cottage, stones can be used to create an alpine slide, and an old stump will make a very nice table. When the stage of clearing the site is left behind, I advise you to begin planning future buildings and plantings. Determine where the house will be located, and where the garden will be planted, plan the planting of the lawn, and the construction of a gazebo. Or maybe for privacy you will want to equip a pergola or a cozy green arch. Everything is in your hands, and all plans can be easily implemented.

Eight concrete steps for creating a garden plan.

Stage one. Let's all imagine together how and where each of those present sees themselves at the dacha.

At this planning stage, there is no need to specify the number and varieties of fruit trees in the garden or the presence of corn in the future garden; we decide, so to speak, strategically.

We sketch with simple geometric shapes and sign the future elements of our site.

I would immediately like to warn and remind you of some important points regarding future friendly relations with your dacha neighbors:

  • You shouldn’t design a house closer than 3 meters from the neighboring territory, this is prohibited by building codes, why constantly feel under attack;
  • It is better to coordinate the placement of a septic tank and compost container with your neighbor. This is, of course, possible, but it’s still worth warning;
  • Well, the planting of free-growing trees should be limited to a three-meter distance from the neighbor’s plot.

There are many options that you can imagine: from a factory for breeding “cultivated” earthworms, to your own forest where you can pick mushrooms.

Let's imagine that we settle on a compromise solution that suits most families.

In general terms, our dacha should have:

  • a residential building set back from the road at least 3 meters so that dust from the road does not disturb us;
  • utility rooms combined in one place away from your and your neighbor’s recreation areas;
  • parking lot on the north side of the house;
  • a productive vegetable garden and garden (our pride) with a public garden, while the trees in the garden are small, these elements of the dacha can be partially combined. Although such a combination is considered a mistake by many gardeners, in my opinion, on the tree trunks of sufficiently lightened trees, original round beds are obtained for greens, onions, and even cucumbers and beans. And we must remember that on one acre of garden we can grow six, maximum seven, free-growing fruit trees;
  • gazebo for barbecue and benches for relaxation.

Stage two. It's time to move on to specifics.

Make a complete list of plants that you and your family want to see in your dacha. Fruit trees, shrubs, grapes, flowers, ornamental plants, please don’t miss anything.

I am sure that many points of your plan will change, something will be crossed out, and something will be added. The main thing is not to forget that replanting trees is always much worse than underplanting.

Extra trees will reach for the light, forgetting about the harvest, and they will still have to be cut down. And during their growth, they will greatly harm nearby growing trees.

Stage three. Think about the “geography” of your site.

For example, if you have wetlands and waterlogged areas on your site, and there are moisture-loving plants on your list of desired plants, then this is an ideal case.

And, conversely, if you are a lover of cherries, and the groundwater level is high, then it is necessary to drain the place where the cherries are planted using drainage grooves, and possibly make an embankment.

Stones, holes, bumps, stumps, if you are not going to turn them into elements of the design flight of your thoughts, using them to bring beauty with your own hands, then it would be better to remove all this.

Stage four.

Under no circumstances should crops be planted in the shade. When in the shade, a tree must grow into constant direct sunlight to survive.

Therefore, in order for a tree to bear fruit, it must be planted where it is needed, and not poked anywhere.

To do this, let’s draw the shaded areas of our site:

  • We take a blank sheet of paper, imagine that we are on the site;
  • we indicate the cardinal directions and the approximate movement of the sun;
  • We schematically draw future buildings, large trees already growing, a fence and everything that can provide shade;
  • indicate the height of everything listed in the previous step;
  • paint over all shadow areas. We proceed from this rule: the width of the shadow is two times less than the height of the object that gives this shadow. Those places where, according to our calculations, there will be more than half a day of shade, are considered unsuitable for planting productive plants.

An area of ​​full shade can be planned only for paths, gazebos, benches for relaxation, perhaps for a flower garden with interesting design solutions.

Stage five.

Until now, our plan has been dominated by restrictions that do not allow us to realize our grandiose plans.

Don’t give up, we can place all the desired plants on our site if we know that:

  • all trees respond well to CROWN FORMATION. Therefore, we can easily give them any shape with our own hands - from 4 meters of normal height to dwarf sizes, with a width from a “flat wall” to 6 meters;
  • well, the geometric shape of the tree crown itself can be anything - spreading along the ground, in the form of “balls” of different heights or “walls” of different heights;
  • Always place rows of fruit trees and shrubs from north to south (or vice versa). This arrangement will give a total of less shadow, so it will be possible to use row spacing;
  • Gooseberry and currant bushes, as well as trees with a “ball” shaped crown, are planted in a checkerboard pattern, as if in the corners of a triangle. This will make better use of space and improve lighting for your plants. recommends planting red currants and gooseberries in elevated, dry, well-lit areas, while black currants, on the contrary, feel good in damp, lower areas. Let the raspberries grow in isolated places on the site; they produce a lot of root shoots, and this way it will be easier to control their growth area.

Stage six. Let's plan a garden.

Think about what kind of vegetable crop you want to harvest. More precisely, how much you need.

If you are not going to feed all your relatives up to the fifth generation, then perhaps round beds in tree trunk circles will suffice for you.

Later you can create similar round beds scattered throughout your garden. The optimal width for them is approximately a meter.

It looks very nice. To make this also practical, you will need to set up decorative borders 30 centimeters high, or even higher, and fill them with humus. Then you can cover it with mulch (grass, rags, husks, straw), then water and lightly weed no more than once a week.

Install trellises on the beds. For climbing vegetables, arrange “vegetable alleys” - connect the trellises just above your height with a roof, a kind of overlap. So you can create a cucumber or bean alley with your own hands.

It’s also a great idea to make a pyramid on round beds - you install a support in the center, to which you tie one and a half to two dozen ropes. You can also build an “umbrella” at the top.

On such structures, vegetables, in addition to looking beautiful, also bear fruit well.

Arrange your beds along the southern or eastern walls of the house or utility rooms. In such places, plants grow several times faster than in a simple garden bed. The main thing is to waterproof the walls, otherwise a beautiful wall decorated with your favorite vegetables will collapse over time.

The ideal garden bed will be one that will be visible from your kitchen window. Vegetables growing in such a bed seem to sense your constant presence and grow much more cheerfully.

Stage seven. All that remains is to think about how we will move around the territory of our site.

Think about what, from where and where you will have to transport and carry.

There is no need to plan rectangular patterns of movement around the dacha. Such paths will constantly catch you at their right angles.

Do not be afraid of triangular, semicircular, oblique areas and, accordingly, paths in your dacha.

If such geometry requires simplicity and ease of movement, feel free to arrange such garden paths.

The entire area that does not fall under the beds is your lawn. If you don’t want to worry too much about creating an English lawn, remember the main rule: constant mowing completely destroys all weeds. Only meadow grasses will remain; mowing is their favorite condition.

You will have to master working with a trimmer and consider that you have mastered the most competent ecological method of caring for the land at your dacha.

Stage eight (final).

A plan like “a dozen trees behind the house and five berry bushes near the garden” will yield absolutely nothing.

You need to plan the same way you do home renovations. You know exactly where the TV will be - there should be a socket and an antenna plug there.

It’s the same with the dacha project, everything should be literally: “When I sit on the terrace, I will see the Pepin saffron apple tree, behind it the Renet Krasnoznamenny apple tree, and to the left of it the Tolstobezhka pear tree.” In the garden I will put a trellis from north to south, from which cucumbers will stretch towards the house.”

Only an accurate representation of what and how we want will make it possible to avoid in the future unnecessary alterations, uprooting of trees and poor harvest of vegetables. Believe me, it’s much easier to think through everything once, rather than torment yourself every summer to no avail.

Elements of arrangement of a summer cottage

To decorate your dacha, you can plan a lawn. To do this, you need to level the area, dig up and remove all the weeds. Then add soil and sow herbs. And if your plans include creating an alpine slide, then you don’t need to level anything; on the contrary, it requires unevenness.

I would suggest creating a pond. This will be a beautiful arrangement of a summer cottage, decorated with aquatic plants. It is not difficult to do it yourself. First you need to dig a hole and give the soil time to settle. Then plan the distribution of water from the water supply system. This matter is not difficult. Lay out the bottom of the pond with a special film so that it covers the walls, but not stretched. I advise you to take the film black, this will create the illusion of depth. It must be taken half a meter beyond the edges of the reservoir, sprinkled with sand, and then covered with decorative boulders. You can do it even simpler - buy a plastic bathtub, or any other shape, and dig it in the area level with the ground. Cover it decoratively with stones, sprinkle it with multi-colored pebbles, and plant water-loving plants and lawn grasses along the shore.

When thinking about how to arrange a summer cottage, you need to take care of lighting. This is an important point, especially after dark. Surely in the evening after working in the garden, you will want to sit on the terrace with a cup of tea. This is where inexpensive and beautiful solar-powered lanterns come in handy. They will create soft lighting in the gazebo and emphasize the whimsical line of the path in the dark. Or you can create such lanterns with your own hands, using unnecessary tin or glass jars, decorating them with different colors, and cutting out patterned holes in the tin. Forged lanterns on poles will look impressive, beautifully and mysteriously illuminating a romantic bench in the garden.

If you have a small space where you need to save every square meter of space, an excellent solution would be to build a summer cottage with vertical beds. So you can make a real strawberry tree from an old wooden barrel by drilling holes 5 cm in diameter across the entire surface and planting bushes in them. Fill the barrel itself completely with earth. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

On the banks of the river, our friends purchased an abandoned plot of land, which was a vacant lot covered with bumps and uneven spots, overgrown with bushes and weeds.

Territory arrangement

Four years of hard work made it possible to build a country house with all the amenities of a city and turn the surrounding area into a paradise.

The design of the house, its internal structure and landscape design were completed by the owner of the dacha plot independently. Since the dacha plot was created for recreation in the summer, most of the land was allocated for a green lawn and flower beds.

Only a small part of the land in the far corner behind the house was used to install a greenhouse and beds for growing herbs. Currant bushes and apple and plum trees were also planted.

In order to keep the paths dry and clean in rainy weather, they were paved with paving slabs raised above ground level. As a result, it became possible to walk around the territory of the summer cottage even in slippers.

A wide path is made along the entire length of the dacha from the gate, which ends in a canopy without walls intended for parking a car. A canopy allows you not only to protect your car from precipitation and solar radiation, but also to do household chores under it in rainy weather.

A garage canopy of this design is a good design solution, as it does not obstruct the view and fits well into the overall design of the summer cottage.

The owners of the summer cottage are very hospitable people. Relatives and friends often come to visit them. Thanks to the wide path from the gate, the yard can accommodate up to six cars at once.

Between the fence and the wide path there is a strip of land on which flowers and spruce trees are planted.

There is also a flower bed along the opposite side of the path and green lawn.

All paths are made of gray and red paving slabs. There is a narrow path leading to the house from the car.

In front of the entrance door to the country house there is a spacious open veranda overlooking the river. There is a table and chairs on it. After visiting the steam room on the veranda on summer evenings, in any weather, it is very pleasant to have dinner with soft drinks and barbecue in the company of friends.

On the summer cottage, before the construction of the house began, an outbuilding was built, consisting of three separate rooms with doors. The two entrances are equipped with a small common porch with a canopy. One of the rooms has a window overlooking the river. It has a bed with a bedside table for overnight guests. The second room has no windows and serves as a workshop, and the third room stores inventory and tools.

Next to the utility house, opposite the veranda, there is a platform covered with paving slabs for grilling kebabs. There is still room nearby for a mobile garden rocking sofa.

Flower beds and flower beds

Looking at the photographs published above, you probably noticed that on almost all of them, even on the smallest plots of land between the paths, flower beds and flower beds were made. The owner of the summer cottage has a fantastic love for flowers, and is ready to deal with them tirelessly from morning to evening, which, by the way, she does in all her free time.

The pride of the owner of a summer cottage is a spacious green lawn. Although it has to be trimmed often, there is still room for the children to run barefoot, play ball games and badminton.

A low fence with a gate in the center separates the dacha plot from the public area. There is a flowerbed in front of the fence, separated from the path by wooden logs. In addition to flowers, the flowerbed contains Christmas trees, each of which is planted in honor of one of the granddaughters and named after them. Children will grow up and watch how spruces grow with them. It will be very interesting for children.

Marigold flowers are planted along the low fence on the river side. On the left side of it, next to the canopy, there is a box with a tight lid for disposal of food waste and garbage of plant origin.

Almost the entire area not occupied by a green lawn, greenhouse and small vegetable garden is planted with spruce trees and flowers.

The corners between the paths are also beautifully decorated with paving slabs. Unobtrusive, but tasteful.

A flower bed in the form of an alpine hill adorns the edge of the grass lawn. The original composition and harmonious combination of different colors in combination with boulders and pebbles is admirable. The photo shows a view from the second floor of the country house.

The flowerbed of the alpine hill type is not symmetrical, and when you look at it from different sides, a completely different composition of flowers opens up.

And in this photo, in place of last year’s alpine slide, a new one has been created, larger in size and with a different design. For a detailed acquaintance, I decided to present close-up photographs of plants and flowers.

In the photo, a perennial, unpretentious to the soil, sun-loving golden cinquefoil, with beautiful yellow flowers, growing on an alpine hill. The plant is not afraid of frost, and Cinquefoil tea has medicinal properties. Golden cinquefoil usually begins to bloom in the second half of summer.

And this is thyme (creeping thyme), popularly called “Bogorodskaya herb.” Thyme is a very beautiful perennial plant with a noble aroma, which has about 400 species. Comes in different colors. Thyme is also a medicinal plant. Blooms from early June to late July. Thyme is great for creating alpine slides.

This flower is called a stone rose, a relative of cacti, which has nothing in common with ordinary roses, except that the rosettes are similar in shape, and the leaves are pink at the edges. The Latin name is Sempervivum, which means “always alive.” An unpretentious beautiful perennial plant with fleshy leaves and no odor. Ideal for alpine slides.

Heather is an evergreen, low-growing perennial (grows up to 30 years), shrubby plant and blooms in our latitudes from July-August until late autumn. Heather is a light-loving plant, and with enough sun, the flowers are rich in color and do not fall off for a long time. Excellent honey plant and bees never fly past. The flowers are small, lilac or lilac-pink. The bushes grow to a height of 60 cm. Heather is the national flower of Norway, since heather fields occupy more than half of the country's area.

The dwarf mountain jacobsen pine has a beautiful decorative shape and surprises with its fluffiness. The needles are not prickly and are pleasant to touch with your hands. This coniferous plant is unpretentious to the soil and grows in any conditions, loves the sun, and is not afraid of frost. The height of an adult plant does not exceed 40 cm, which makes mountain pine an ideal conifer for alpine hills.

Due to the unusual red color of the leaves, the perennial Heuchera flower is very popular among gardeners. Garden heuchera is the fruit of the work of American breeders. Heuchera does not like direct sunlight and grows better in the shade of other plants.

The timing of Heuchera flowering depends on the ambient temperature and lighting. Thanks to the bright red color of the leaves and beautiful flowers, Heuchera is perfect in combination with other plants to create alpine slides. It is better to plant Heucheras in the shade from conifers or other flowers, so that the rays of the sun fall on it only at sunrise or sunset.

This is another type of coniferous plant. Unfortunately, I don’t know the scientific name of this Christmas tree.

The gray Canadian spruce Conica is native to Canada. The dwarf variety grows to a height of only one meter in ten years. This is a very beautiful conifer; like ordinary spruce, it grows well in our latitudes.

There is probably no need to imagine a lily flower. Lily is the oldest known flower, the flower of purity and purity. There are thousands of legends about Lily. The lily is considered the flower of kings. Everyone knows and loves this beautiful flower. In the photo is the Canadian Lily.

In this photo there is also a lily, only bright red.

Roses are perhaps the most popular flowers for expressing the feelings of the giver. Thanks to the variety of shades of rosebuds, they were “taught” to convey attitude without words. A scarlet rose or bouquet is given to express romantic love and passion, a gifted bud of a red rose expresses confusion, a tender attitude is emphasized by a pale pink bouquet of roses. A dark pink bouquet is usually given as a sign of gratitude.

Astilbe is an unpretentious frost-resistant perennial plant with bright red flowers. There are varieties that bloom in other colors. The flowers can reach a height of 60 cm and rise beautifully above low-growing grass and other flowers.

Pansies are popularly called tricolor violet. These pretty flowers seem to be looking at us. Pansies are one of the most unpretentious flowers to environmental conditions; they bloom from early spring to late autumn.

The combination of colors of Pansy petals tends to infinity. This is one of the most favorite flowers of gardeners.

Cannes are exotic flowers for our latitudes. The flowers are very beautiful, and the petals of one flower can be of different colors. Cannas are excellent flowers for decorating a summer cottage.

And the bee liked this Gatsania flower, and she collects nectar. Gatsania, or gazania, is a South African flower, similar in appearance to the Russian chamomile. Flowers appear from July and delight the eye until the end of the season. The flower loves plenty of sunlight and has an attractive appearance.

The Gatsania flower has the color scheme of sunlight, making it difficult to take your eyes off it.

Today, many people strive to have a plot outside the city where they can spend weekends or relax in the summer. When solving the problem of developing a plot of land, the newly minted owner of a country property faces quite a few tasks. One of the most important is the landscaping of the site. Simply building a house or temporary shelter on the property is not a sufficient measure.

It should be understood that a real dacha is a place where comfortable conditions for relaxation. When arranging your suburban area, there are no trifles. Everything is of great importance. Only by taking into account all the details can you create a truly cozy cottage. Therefore, when doing this work, you should approach the choice of fencing and arranging paths with all seriousness, not forgetting about the proper creation of a lawn and flower beds.

Do-it-yourself summer cottage: where to start?

When starting the task of landscaping your backyard, first thing to do- carry out general cleaning of the area. First you need to clear the yard of leaves. You also need:

  • remove various debris;
  • uproot stumps;
  • get rid of stones and other unnecessary objects present on the site.

When this work is completed, you can proceed directly to solving problems for improving your dacha. In order to carry out high-quality landscaping of your site with your own hands, while ensuring a harmonious combination of all elements of the future landscape design, it is necessary that all work on transforming the country property be carried out consistently. To do this, before starting work, you need to draw up a plan of activities that you will have to carry out to turn your dacha into a comfortable place to relax.

Preparatory work and planning

Realizing how important moments are site planning and arrangement, your first priority should be to draw up a project for future work. And to do this, you will have to make a drawing on which you need to mark the buildings that are already present on the territory of your site. It would be useful to put trees on it, as well as mark the boundaries of the country property.

Then you should seriously think and decide whether you want to leave everything as is or whether you plan to remove some objects from the site. If you have purchased a plot of land on which fruit trees already grow, then it is better not to do anything with them, since in order to grow new ones, you will have to spend a lot of time.

You can use the free space for:

  • creating garden paths;
  • layout of flower beds and lawns.

You can add other objects to the drawing that you want to see on the territory of his dacha. In most cases, when arranging suburban areas, owners place:

When arranging a plot of land, one of the important points is the choice of fencing. Many novice summer residents do not know which type of fence structure to prefer. Everyone understands that the most reliable is a fence made from stone or brick. A wrought iron fence is also a good option. However, all these designs have one significant drawback. They are quite expensive and not all summer residents can afford them.

If your plans are not to spend a lot of money on arranging your suburban area, then in this case you can create a fence along the borders of your land plot as a fence or opt for a wooden picket fence. However, we note that if a decision is made to install a fence, then your stay on the site will not be safe, since such a fence does not provide reliable protection against unauthorized entry. Therefore, when arranging a fence, it is additionally necessary to strengthen it with a chain-link mesh.

Garden paths

On any site as a required attribute paths emerge. If you arrange them according to all the rules, then your landscape design will be more harmonious, and in addition, you will be comfortable moving around the territory. By correctly approaching this task, you can use paths to combine all the main functional areas that are present on the territory of your dacha. It will be great if you arrange your garden paths in the same style.


On a summer cottage, paths can be built from a variety of materials. Those people who do not want to spend a lot of money on this matter opt for a material such as sand. As a result, they have rather soft and unusual paths at the dacha. In order to create such an element of landscape design, you must first outline the contours of future paths. This is quite easy to do if you use regular rope.

In the process of creating sand paths, it is necessary carry out excavation work and remove the soil to a depth of 20 cm. After this, cover the surface with a layer of sand, pour water, lay gravel and compact it thoroughly. Next, you should pour another layer of gravel of a finer fraction, and finally lay a layer of sand. It is advisable to use a mixture of sand and stone chips when creating paths. It can be very diverse, so in the end you will get a path that will be a practical and beautiful element of landscape design.

A well-laid sandy path is well compacted, after which it can be framed with a curb made of brick or concrete. Experts recommend creating such a fence with a height of 5 cm above the level of the path. You can plant flowers or shrubs on the sides. In this case, the path will visually stand out, and in addition, the soil near it will noticeably strengthen.

The arrangement of a summer house cannot be considered complete without a recreation area. A special place must be allocated for it. It is best to arrange it in the garden or lay it out on the lawn. In its composition it may have several benches and a table. This option is the simplest. If you want to create maximum comfort for yourself in the recreation area, you will have to invest in a gazebo. You can also build a full-fledged place for meals, and, in addition, install a barbecue and place there other attributes that will make your vacation at the dacha cultural.

If you plan to place a grill or barbecue in the recreation area, then in this case you need to take into account their distance from wooden buildings. To ensure that fire safety rules are not violated, these objects should not be located too close to the barn, toilet or other wooden buildings.

Landscaping of a summer cottage

Having divided the territory of your dacha into zones, at a certain moment you have to solve the problem of decorating it with the help of green spaces. In order for the lawn that you plan to install on the site to please you, it is necessary to follow the rules of landscaping the site when creating it.

Lawn at the dacha

Installing a lawn at the dacha - great landscaping option. If you constantly take care of it, then your green lawn will look impeccable, decorating the area and pleasing the eye not only of the owner, but also of guests. In addition, the lawn today is an important element of landscape design of suburban areas.

It is not always necessary to plant lawn grass in order for you to have a beautiful lawn in front of your country house. You can purchase ready-made lawn in rolls. In this case, the task of landscaping the site will be significantly simplified. However, if you have a great desire to create it yourself, then all you have to do is go to a gardening store and purchase lawn grass. Having completed the sowing, and then providing ongoing care behind it, you can get a beautiful lawn. If you have made a choice in favor of a finished green lawn, then special attention should be paid to the type of grass. Depending on this moment, lawns can be:

  • shade-tolerant;
  • drought resistant;
  • resistant to trampling;
  • sports.

In order to decide which one is suitable for you, you need to consult with the owners of land in the neighborhood who have experience in this matter.

Flower beds

The finishing touch to landscaping a dacha can be flowerbeds, which should be laid out on the territory of your suburban area. To place them, you can choose absolutely any free space on the territory of the land plot. There are quite a lot of flowers that can be planted in flower beds, so you can easily find varieties that are resistant to negative factors such as heat and excess moisture.

In order to the flowerbed was pleasing to the eye, she must be well-groomed. Therefore, it is worth enclosing it with a fence and surrounding it with stones. If you choose the right plants and can successfully arrange flowers with different flowering periods, then throughout the summer you will have the opportunity to enjoy incredible beauty in your area.


Many people in our country purchase plots outside the city limits to spend weekends outside the city. However, for a pleasant stay at the dacha, comfortable conditions must be provided. To create them, many newly-minted summer residents carry out landscaping of their backyard territory. This event must begin with planning. You should decide in advance with the main areas that you plan to arrange in your own hacienda. Most often they are divided into: recreation area, garden, vegetable garden and flower beds.

When arranging a country property, attention should also be paid to the fencing. It will provide reliable protection against unauthorized entry. A relaxation area at the dacha is a mandatory element that ensures a comfortable stay. If you have it, every time you come to your hacienda, you are guaranteed a cultural holiday. A standard seating area includes elements such as a table and benches. If you wish, you can arrange a grill and barbecue. Your dacha will become beautiful only after installing a lawn in front of the house and creating flower beds. By choosing flowers wisely, your site will have beauty that you can enjoy all season long.


Having purchased a plot of land for a summer residence, the owner also acquires a lot of specific problems, one of which is the improvement of the entire territory. After all, it is not enough to just build a house or an ordinary temporary shed on it; you also need to create comfortable conditions for relaxation and, if possible, plant a garden or start a vegetable garden. Therefore, landscaping a summer cottage always comes first.

Do-it-yourself dacha plot

Naturally, landscaping needs to begin with cleaning the entire area. It is cleared of last year's fallen leaves, all unnecessary debris is removed, old stumps are uprooted (if present on the site), old buildings are dismantled if possible, etc.

After putting the area in order, you can move on to landscaping. But before you can landscape your dacha plot with your own hands and achieve complete harmony of all the landscape elements and various buildings located on it, you need certain consistent actions. To do this, it is recommended to draw up a plan for all upcoming landscaping work.

Zone planning

All these zones are not mandatory, since the improvement of a suburban area may depend on the area of ​​the land plot and, naturally, on the preferences of the owners themselves. After all, for some it is important to have a vegetable garden with a garden, while for others it is simply comfortable to spend their leisure time among flower beds and neatly laid out lawns.

Whatever preference the owners make, in any case, the dacha should have a well-groomed appearance, and decent fencing of the site can play an important role here.

Hedge selection

For planting ornamental shrubs, which are usually planted along garden paths, fences and near alpine hills, lilac is most often chosen, as well as dwarf fir trees, weigela, jasmine, and Japanese rhododendron. These types of shrubs are easy to care for, and if the planting site is chosen correctly, with regular trimming of excess branches, they will constantly delight the owners with their appearance for many years.
