A game in which they learn market relations. Game - competition "Let's play economics." What epithet is used to describe high prices?

A game in which they learn market relations. Game - competition "Let's play economics." What epithet is used to describe high prices?

Game - competition "Let's play economics"

Target: contribute to the formation of resourcefulness, intelligence, and economic literacy.

Tasks: 1. educational: consolidation and comprehension of the studied material;

2. developing: to develop cognitive activity and creativity of the individual, critical thinking and adaptive capabilities to changing external conditions;

3. educational: improving the methodology of educational influence on the student’s personality through group and game forms; nurturing interest in the game and the subject of economics.

Progress of the competition game

I introduction teachers:

Today we met here to show our knowledge and identify the best experts in economics. For each task, players receive coins. The team that ends up with the most coins will win.

Let's remember what economics is?

Initially, the word “economics” meant the art of doing household. Today the word "economy" has a much broader meaning. An economy can be called the economy of a particular region, country, or world. Economy refers to all relationships in society associated with human activities. Finally, economics is the study of how people and society as a whole can satisfy their needs for goods and services given limited resources. Who first coined the word “economy”? (Aristotle).

Exercise: This term was introduced into scientific circulation by the philosopher ancient Greece Aristotle, translated from ancient Greek, the term means “laws of economy.” (Answer: Economics).

Now we will conduct an economic quiz.


1) Which animal is always with money? (pig: he has a snout)

2) What were the merchants called in Rus' who were expelled from the guild for systematically deceiving and cheating buyers? (slobs)

3) Name the events where the price is hammered? (auction)

4) Who counts millions as thousands? (billionaire)

5) Which country is called the “banker of the world”? (Switzerland)

6) Who is “Coca-Cola” in relation to “Pepsi-Cola”? (competitor)

7) Name Captain Flint's favorite parrot coin? (piaster)

8) What is the front side of the coin called? (obverse)

9) What is the back side of the coin called? (reverse)

10) What is the face of a retail outlet? (showcase)

11) What fairy-tale animal knew how to make coins with a simple blow of its hooves? (antelope)

12) What a Russian folk tale demonstrates the effectiveness of teamwork? (turnip)

You must unravel the code in which words related to economics are hidden:

PARTALAZ (salary)

OVODROG (agreement)

KANOEKOMI (economics)

YCTOVFARYV (product)

Economic puzzles-additives:

The product must have

Mandatory …(price)

If you work hard all year round

It will be round... (income)

Streams are babbling, feet are wet

In spring it's time to pay... (taxes)

Like a child without a mother,

How many sausages did you buy?

The arrow will show you exactly. .(scales)

They will be intact like in a tank,

Your savings are in ...(bank)

Things will get better for us:

We are in best bank contributed your... (contribution)

Both the doctor and the acrobat

Passed off for work …(salary)

Bought furniture, clothes, dishes

We borrowed from the bank for this …(loan)

For a ruble - pennies, for dollars - cents

They run and run into the bank.. (percentage)

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Economics quiz lesson.

Listen - and you will forget,

Look and you will remember

Do it and you will understand.


Goals: developing an idea of ​​the need and feasibility of the economy; repetition and generalization of knowledge on the completed course; skills formation independent work; instilling economic culture; developing interest in economic knowledge through play, the ability to apply knowledge in modern life.

During the classes:

Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to welcome you to the economic game. This game is played for you, ordinary guys, who do not necessarily dream of becoming economists. Although our country really needs such specialists.

Modern man Without economic knowledge, he cannot consider himself prepared for life and work. Economic knowledge is universal; it is necessary in all spheres of life.

Economics teaches how to use resources, manage businesses, plan work, run a business, and ultimately be rich. There is no shame in being rich if you honestly earned money through your skills, knowledge, and labor. Of course, to become rich, it is not enough to study economics; you must learn to apply economic knowledge in practice.

Now I suggest you divide into groups. (3 people on the jury optional)

Groups come up with names and a motto.

1. Competition “Experts of terms”.

It is necessary to find the correct definition for each term.

Demand - I want and can buy the product.

Need is a person's need for something.

Inflation is an increase in prices.

Budget deficit is a lack of money.

A bill is a promissory note.

State budget is a financial document with a plan for revenues and


Dividend is part of the profit of a joint-stock company.

Barter is the exchange of goods for goods.

A share is a security that gives the right to receive

part of the profit of the joint-stock company.

Bank is a financial institution that produces

money transactions

(for each definition - 1 point).

2. Competition."FIND AN ANTONYM"

Each team will have to find pairs of antonym words and write them down.

Bankrupt, poverty, wealth, income, import, wage worker, accumulation, nouveau riche (get rich quick), public property, wholesale trade, consumption, supply, employer, expense, retail, demand, private property, export.


Bankrupt is nouveau riche; wealth - poverty; Income Expenses; import Export; employee - employer; accumulation - consumption; wholesale trade - retail trade; Demand Offer; private property - public property.

(for each pair - 1 point).

3. Task “Make a word.”

Syllables are written on the cards, and you need to use them to make words. The team that is ahead of the other in completing the task becomes the winner.

Kre, sy, va, dend, ha, century, nan, ob, ti, sel, li, tion, vi, with, for, di, dit, fi


Bill, dividend, loan, bond, privatization, finance.

(for each word - 1 point).

4. Competition "Great Mathematicians".

Solve problems.

1) There are two bags of coins. In one the coins are real, and in the other they are fake. How can you determine which bag contains counterfeit coins with just one weighing? Why?

Answer: counterfeit ones are easier, since “spoilage” of money means reducing the weight of the metal; the lighter bag contains counterfeit coins.

2) Irina Nikolaevna had shares of the Gazprom company - 10 pieces. 1000 tenge each. and government bonds - 5 pcs. 2000 tenge each. What income did Irina Nikolaevna receive if the dividend amount was 15% and the interest on bonds was 8%?

Answer: 1000 x 10 x 0.15 = 1500 tenge - income on shares;

2000 x 5 x 0.08 = 800 tenge - income on bonds;

1500+800=2300 tenge - Irina Nikolaevna’s income.

(a team gets 3 points for a correct solution).








    Monetary unit of any country (currency)

    Movement of goods from one commodity producer to another (exchange)

    View paper money(banknote).

    Labor embodied in a product (value)

    A loan issued at a certain interest rate (credit).

    Depreciation of paper money (inflation).

    Universal commodity equivalent (money).

(For each word guessed 1 point)

The encrypted highlighted word indicates the type of commercial security (bill).

Lesson summary: the jury determines the winners. The winners are awarded prizes.

Target: development of students’ mental activity, allowing them to correctly make economically expedient and socially responsible decisions; development of abilities:

Towards a systematic analysis of problems and making appropriate decisions on them;

Towards effective business interaction during teamwork on decision making;

To be held accountable to other members of the “family” for the decision made; to instill economy, thrift, and enterprise.

Progress of the game

Students are divided into groups of 7-8 people and assigned playing roles: wife, husband, daughter, son, etc. Choose their last name.

1st stage(7-12 min).

Make up a family profile by discussing together the game name, age, profession, wages(benefits, scholarship, pension) of each family member, possible sources of other income, the total amount of income of the entire family. All this data is entered into a table.

Each “family” introduces other game participants and experts to their family members. Speakers are asked questions about family composition and income.

2nd stage(15-18 min).

It is necessary to plan upcoming expenses for one month close to real life, based on the total amount of expected income. Fill out the table

Each “family” presents its expenses and comments on the decisions made. Answer questions from experts and other game participants.

3rd stage(10-15 min).

Each “family” receives an individual situation. It is necessary to make a decision and find additional income. “Families” discuss, make decisions and talk about them.

1. A distant relative from Tambov came to visit you. She really liked your hospitality and decided to stay for the whole month. How will you seek additional funds its content?

2. Your son, coming home from school, said that he accidentally broke the glass in the classroom and the administration is asking his parents to compensate for the damage. Look for this opportunity in your family.

3. Your spouse broke his leg. Sick leave no payment this month. How will you arrange rent and other payments?

4. You were given an urgent trip to the sanatorium. Your wife really needs treatment. How will you budget for these additional expenses?

4th stage. Summarizing.

The “head of the family” speaks out about the behavior of each “family member.” (Were there any conflicts in the “family”? What arguments were used? How did the “family” get out of various situations? What difficulties did you experience?)

Discuss the game and monitor the game.

An expert speaks and sums up the game. Rewards “families” that show the best results.


  1. Learn market terms used in economics.
  2. Develop logical thinking, curiosity, creative search.
  3. Develop the ability to plan a family budget.
  4. Learn to think economically intelligently.

Equipment: pointer, photocopy of money, task cards, cubes, chips, sheets of paper.


1 2 3
4 5 6

On the board are the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky:

“Without a game there is no
Maybe full
Mental development.


Today we have a game lesson on economics. We will work in groups. We divide the class into 3 groups and select captains. Teams come up with names for themselves. The lesson will take place in 6 rounds. For a correct answer, the bank issues money 10 rubles, for an incorrect answer - a fine of 5 rubles.

I. Captain competitions:

1 30 16 22 4 11 3
21 12 9 8 32 26 14
6 35 2 28 15 18 5
31 17 29 24 19 34 27
10 25 33 23 20 13 7

In 1 minute they must indicate in order the numbers from 1 to 35. What number does the captain reach and how much money does the team get into their piggy bank?

II. Repetition:

Let's repeat economic terms

Group 1 - rolls the dice, which number hits, then we open it and answer. (Right answers)

Product: a product of labor created for purchase and sale.

Price: the cost of a product expressed in money.

Market: The relationship between seller and buyer.

Bank: an institution that carries out various transactions with money and securities

Taxes: mandatory payments for everyone, set by the authorities.

III. Main part.

We throw the dice, open the card with the number that appears and read the task.

1st round Crossword

  1. Specialist working in the accounting department. (Accountant)
  2. Foreign money (monetary system of a certain country). (Currency)
  3. Tax service employee. (Inspector)
  4. A document that allows you to receive money from a bank. (Check)
  5. Gives out money. (Cashier)
  6. Contract of purchase or sale. (Contract)

1st place – 100 rubles, 2nd place – 50 rubles, 3rd place – 30 rubles

2 round Task

Teams are given cards with task conditions. We read carefully, solve, explain.

1. 120 kg of apples were brought to the store, pears - 2 times less than apples, and peaches - 12 kg more than pears. How many kilograms of fruit did you bring to the store?

2. Several boys were fishing. A total of 75 fish were caught. How many boys were there if all but two got 11 fish, and two got 10 fish?

3rd round Game “Who will eat the cake”

We play in groups. Rules of the game: when you get to the yellow circles, take a card and complete the tasks (see Appendix 1, Appendix 2).

If it's red, we pay a fine. (Take a card)

On blue - we take one step back.

If one of the participants reaches the cake, the game stops. The bank gives you 150 rubles on credit. After the game, you return 150 rubles to the bank, the rest of the money remains in the team’s assets.

5th round Proverbs

We distribute the sheets to the teams. Write down proverbs on economic topics. For one proverb you get 5 rubles.

For example: “Debt in payment is red”

" A bargain is a bargain"

“Don’t have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends”

“Money is guests: sometimes it’s gone, sometimes it’s a handful,” etc.

6th round Example-riddle

Solve the example and decipher the word. Arrange the example answers in descending order.

For 1st place - 100 rubles. For 2nd place - 50 rubles. For 3rd place - 30 rubles.

E 560:7x4 N 3x26-18 O 200x7:10

K 45:(13-4) O 4+96:2 M 80:16x9

I 40x80:100 K 450:5x2 A 360:60:2

Lesson summary:

Calculate how much money the team earned?

What new did you learn?

What would you buy with this money?

Summing up, rewarding.

Scenario of the economic game “On the steps of business”

Target: expanding economic knowledge and range of interests of students.


1. The class is divided into two teams.

2. Audio cassettes (CDs, DVDs) with recordings of songs containing the words “money” and “gold” are prepared in advance.



Progress of the event

Presenter 1. The birth of economic science is covered in the shadow of centuries, as is the birth of economics itself, which, however, occurred many millennia earlier. Primitive farming did not require special scientific knowledge.

For a long time people have been trying to understand the secrets of the economy. The world knows the names of the great economists Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Antoine Montchretien and others. Maybe soon your name will be among the great ones?!

Presenter 2. But first, let's test your basic knowledge of economics, without which any business is impossible. Do you know what business is? (Team answers. Answers are assessed on a five-point system, taking into account not only factual knowledge, but also a sense of humor, resourcefulness, and ingenuity of the players.)

That's right, a business is an economic activity that generates income or provides other benefits. A businessman enters the zone of risk and adventure, where courage is needed no less than a thorough knowledge of market conditions. And our participants need to show all these qualities, because perhaps today they will take the first step into Big world economics and business. So, we present the teams and our esteemed jury.

Presenter 1. One of the commandments of a businessman is: “Luck favors the educated.” After all, today a real businessman is a highly educated specialist. So, our first competition is a warm-up.

Economic ABC

The presenters take turns asking questions to the teams, and tokens are awarded for correct answers. If a team does not know the correct answer, the question goes to another team.

1. What is the transfer of land, buildings, property for rent by their owner, owner for a certain period for a fee called? (Rent.)

2. A security issued by a joint stock company. The person who buys such a paper becomes one of the owners, the owners of this company and acquires the right to receive a portion of the income from its activities. (Promotion.)

3. A special institution, an institution designed to carry out a variety of operations and actions with money. Very often these institutions burst (Bank.)

4. This word translated from English means business. In general, this is the activity of a person or group of people, carried out at their own expense, under their own responsibility. (Business.)

5. What is the name of the profession of a person who facilitates transactions between a seller and a buyer? (Broker.)

6. The monetary unit of any country, used and legalized in the country. (Currency.)

7. What is the name of a security containing an unconditional monetary obligation to pay a certain amount within a certain period? (Bill.)

8. Monetary remuneration paid to authors of literary and musical works published in print. (Fee.)

9. Voluntary agreement of two or more persons, each of whom assumes certain obligations. (Agreement.)

10. Import into the country of foreign goods or other valuables purchased abroad for their use. (Import.)

11. An increase in prices for goods, leading to a decrease in the number of goods that can be purchased per monetary unit. (Inflation.)

12. Property and intellectual values ​​invested in objects of business and other activities. (Investment.)

13. A document, an official receipt given to a person to confirm that cash payments, goods or other valuables have been received from him. (Receipt.)

14. A storage facility in which you can pledge property assets and things and receive a temporary loan, the amount of which depends on the value of the pledged things. To get your things, you need to repay the loan and pay for storage of things and interest for the loan. (Pawnshop.)

15. A comprehensive system of measures for managing production and sales activities, based on market research in order to maximize customer satisfaction. (Marketing.)

16. An employee of a company or firm who manages people, labor, production and sale of goods. (Manager.)

17. Mandatory payments established by law that citizens and organizations (individuals and legal entities) are required to pay periodically, usually quarterly or annually, to the state. (Taxes.)

18. Open notification by the company of possible buyers and consumers of the goods and services it produces about the quality, merits, and advantages of these goods and services. She should not discredit the goods and services of other companies, otherwise she is unscrupulous. (Advertising.)

19. Income received by the owner through the use by others of land, property, capital or other property belonging to him. Receiving such income does not require the owner to exert any labor effort. (Rent.)

20. Money lent or material values to be returned within the specified period. For using it, the borrower who receives it is obliged to pay a fee, which is called interest. (Loan.)

21. State service that controls the import and export of goods across the country’s border. She still collects fees. (Customs.)

22. A company performing fiduciary functions for individuals and organizations. (Trust company.)

23. Cash in the broadest sense of the word - both all cash and non-cash money and checks, and all types of securities. (Finance.)

24. A monetary document of an established form, which plays the role of money and can be used instead of money as a means of payment. (Check.)

25. Relationship, interaction of man with his natural environment, rational economic use of natural resources. (Ecology.)

Presenter 1. While the jury is evaluating our first competition, we want to find out from you what proverbs and sayings you know about money. For each proverb the team will receive one point.

The teams take turns calling Proverbs and sayings.

Presenter 2. And now we invite you to plunge into the history of economics. Our next tour is called...


We open a conditional account for one thousand rubles for each team. Our auctions will be unusual. You buy a question and answer it correctly, then the amount for which the question was purchased is credited to your account. If the answer is incorrect, then only half of the question amount will be credited to your account. Let's start trading!

The initial price of the first question is 100 rubles. Place your bets, gentlemen!

1. When did paper money appear in Russia? (In 1768, they were introduced by Catherine II to replace bulky copper money, and they were called banknotes.)

Let's buy the second question. Initial price 80 rubles.

2. In 1776, publisher William Strahey published in London “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations,” the largest work of classical political economics. Name the author of the book. A little hint - he is Scottish by origin. (Adam Smith.)

Let's buy the third question. Initial price 120 rubles.

3. By whose decree and when was the position of an accountant first officially established in Russia? (By decree of Peter I in the early 1700s. The word “accountant” came to us from German language together with the reforms of Peter I.)

Let's buy the fourth question. Initial price 100 rubles.

4. Why was the penny called a penny? (The first easy money - kopecks - were issued with a picture of a horseman with a spear. From the word “spear”, which was in the hands of the horseman on the coin, it was called a penny.)

Let's buy the fifth question. Initial price 100 rudders.

5. What word did the word “ruble” come from? (In Rus', for payments they used heavy silver ingots - hryvnia, which were in the form of bars. If a whole piece was too large for calculations, then it was chopped. It was from the verb to chop that the word “ruble” came from.)

Let's buy the sixth question. Initial price 200 rubles.

6. In Rus', the profession of a cattleman was very respected. What did the cattlemen do? (Money used to be livestock in Rus' - sheep, cows, bulls. The larger the herd you owned, the richer you were considered. Later, animals stopped serving as money, but the name “cattleman” means “keeper of money”, “tax collector” and “cowwoman” in the meaning of “treasury” were preserved for a long time.)
