A girl born in the year of the rat. Love and relationships. Characteristics of the Earth Rat

A girl born in the year of the rat. Love and relationships. Characteristics of the Earth Rat

People born in the year of the Rat according to the Chinese Zodiac - character traits, love and marriage, money and career. What years does the Year of the Rat fall in? lucky talismans for people of this sign. general description, Rat-woman and Rat-man.

Years of the Rat in the 20th and 21st centuries: 1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032.

general description

People born in the year of the Rat (Mouse) are distinguished by an unprecedented desire for success and power. To achieve their goals, they are ready to do anything, but of all the ways to achieve what they want, they will choose the simplest one. Being very prudent, Rats easily avoid trouble and can get out of any situation. Charm is their main asset; they easily gain trust and know how to please others.

As a rule, those born in the year of the Rat have an attractive appearance and excellent taste. They are often skilled manipulators, easily getting what they need at the expense of others. Rats willingly spend money on themselves and their loved ones and rarely save on their desires. For others, the Rat is unlikely to do anything selflessly. However, if she feels that she is treated with all her heart, she will not remain in debt and will surround these people with care and love. In rare cases, she is even capable of self-sacrifice.

Rats love to be the center of attention and are susceptible to flattery. Compliments and praise can cloud them common sense. In society they behave at ease, most often becoming the life of the party. Those born in the year of the Rats get along easily with people, infect them with their ideas, involve them in various activities, but at the same time rely only on themselves. The best feature of the Mouse is that such people always finish what they start. Whatever it costs them. After falls and disappointments, Rats run away into their “holes” and sit there, gaining strength.

Love and relationships. Marriage and family.

Rats have such a natural charm that few people can resist them. It costs them nothing to lure someone into their network; sometimes they even get tired of the attention of representatives of the opposite sex. Of course, this rarely happens, because flirting is a natural state for Rats.

The Rat is a contradictory nature. Being very loving and passionate, having created a family, she begins to surprise with her loyalty and constancy. Rats are characterized by their possessiveness towards their partner and demand complete openness from him, although they themselves are in no hurry to reveal all their cards. The Rat’s partner can be calm about the material side of life: there will always be prosperity in the house.

Rat Man

He is distinguished by a special need for love and close relationships; he begins to fall in love and care for girls much earlier than his peers. His personal life is very stormy and vibrant, most of his time is spent on novels. Among his friends he has a reputation as a ladies' man; people often turn to him for advice in matters of the heart.

A man born in the year of the Rat has no end to the opposite sex. He knows how to make women feel special, they don't even suspect that for him it's just a game. He likes the state of euphoria from the first months of the relationship; he wants to experience these emotions again and again. That is why his feelings fade away as quickly as they appear, and he again rushes towards the next romance.

Each relationship gives the Rat man new knowledge about women, which he later skillfully applies. Each time he hones his art of seduction, and even the most capricious young ladies cannot refuse him. Over the years, he usually has several dozen novels under his belt before someone manages to ring him. These men experience rejection very painfully; it greatly affects their self-esteem and can unsettle them for a long time.

Woman - Rat

She often initiates relationships. But he does it so skillfully that the gentlemen are sure that it was they who won the beautiful lady, and not she who so cleverly laid out her nets. The Rat Woman happily becomes the heroine of a short-term romance and, without regret, ending it, starts a new one. In her opinion, life is too fleeting to waste time waiting for that ideal prince. She thinks her actions are harmless. In fact, she often hurts her partners who were looking for a serious relationship and became seriously attached to their passion.

A woman born in the year of the Rat often does not believe in love at all and is very practical in choosing a partner. She can date several men at the same time, carefully weighing which of them is the more profitable match. However, this approach to relationships never affects the reputation of this insidious lady; she always manages to get away with it. When such a woman finally meets her ideal companion, she will use all her trump cards to tie him to her.

However, she will never allow her partner to give up. He must become better, develop, strive for new heights. The Rat woman feels responsible for her family members; often, even after a divorce, she maintains relationships with ex-husbands and continues to teach them wisdom. If a woman born in the year of the Rat is happy in a relationship and receives everything she needs from her chosen one, then she will try to become for him the best version myself. She will do a lot to make the chosen one feel good with her.

It is important! The best pair for a Rat would be a Dragon or a Monkey, but the Rat should avoid the Rabbit.

Career, work, finances

Rats prefer mental work to physical work. They are true intellectuals, they need to constantly learn and expand their horizons. They make outstanding diplomats, politicians, and managers. The organizational skills of those born in the year of the Rat can only be envied. Assertive and purposeful, they go ahead no matter what.

Rat people are not devoid of artistry; they often draw or sing well. They are responsible and punctual, and do their work conscientiously. Their advantage is the ability to do several things at the same time and make decisions quickly. IN teamwork They usually take the role of a leader and know how to make people listen to themselves. Rats have excellent relationships with their superiors; they often become favorites and quickly climb the career ladder. Rats tend to save for a rainy day, so they usually do not have financial problems.

People born in the year of the Rat charm and repel at the same time. They are sociable, but not as simple as it might seem at first glance. These people are manipulators who will use outsiders to achieve their goals.

The Year of the Rat according to the eastern calendar comes immediately after the Year of the Boar. It is followed by the Year of the Ox. According to the horoscope, Rats are people born in 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 and 2008. The next Rat period will be in 2020.

Video “What is the character of those born in the year of the Rat”

In this video, the astrologer will tell you what kind of character people born in the year of the Rat have.

Character traits

This sign has a controversial characteristic. Among positive qualities One can highlight well-developed intuition and the desire for success. It’s not boring with them both in friendship and in love. They are excellent lovers and will always support any conversation, even in unfamiliar company.

Among the disadvantages are bad character Rat. Their mood changes every second, so interlocutors should always be prepared for such turns. They are cunning and unreliable. Grudge is another negative trait of Rats. They will not forgive the offender until they take revenge on him. They are ready to think through the plan of revenge down to the smallest detail for years.


A woman born under this sign has attractiveness and charm. She doesn't have to be beautiful to drive men crazy, because she has an inner charm. Despite their femininity, Rat girls have masculine traits character. They always take the initiative and love to lead people. In business, they are able to outshine even men.

For strangers, Rat women are reserved and cold people. But for their close circle they are gentle and caring. Representatives of this sign make loving wives and good mothers.


Men born under this sign are open and harsh in their judgments. They love to have short-term affairs and charm women. But on a subconscious level, they are looking for their only love, with whom they will live for the rest of their lives.

Attractive appearance and flexible character help male Rats to conquer the fair sex. But behind constant conversations, young people hide self-doubt. Therefore, they may not show their true selves.

The disadvantage of representatives of this sign is unpredictability. Rat men have poor control over their emotions. They absolutely do not know how to restrain aggression or lie. If they are not satisfied with something, they will never remain silent, and can report it in a rude manner.

Rats also do not like relationships that have exhausted themselves. If they feel that they have lost interest in their partner, they will immediately tell her about it and break off the relationship. The same applies to partners whose feelings for Rats have faded. They feel this on a subconscious level and immediately try to end relationships that do not bring pleasure.


Children born under this sign have leadership abilities from the cradle. At first, they will competently manipulate their parents, and then their classmates. Studying is easy for them, they can always come to an agreement with teachers. Thanks to their organizational talents, such children often become class leaders.

Parents need to pay attention Special attention on the talents of your child, so as not to miss the birth of a genius. Rat children find it easy to study mathematical subjects, so parents may not notice their creative streak. However, they can learn to play any musical instrument. Representatives of this sign make excellent composers.

The influence of the elements

Each year in the eastern horoscope has its own element, which determines a person’s character.

People born under the sign of the water Rat are romantic and flexible. They are often led by emotions, which affects their career success. These people have a strong gift of premonition, thanks to which they manage to avoid troubles in an amazing way.

The Earth Rat endows its charges with high self-esteem and great ambitions. Such people will easily go over their heads to achieve their goals. But they never use other people for this, because they are used to achieving everything on their own.

Representatives of the tree Rat sign cannot be called frivolous. They think about any questions for a long time and analyze situations to the smallest detail. The Wood Rat rewarded its charges with analytical abilities, as well as a passion for art.

People born in the year of the metal Rat are desperate workaholics. They will work overtime because they dream of wealth and beautiful life. This desire makes them poor partners in love relationships.

The Fire Rat endowed people with willfulness and eccentricity. Such people are excellent manipulators, so they reach the top career ladder in a short period of time.

Career ladder

Rats have a negative attitude towards physical labor. They constantly expand their horizons and strive to get a well-paid position that will allow them to develop. They make excellent politicians and top managers. Such people are capable of not only choosing the right words for subordinates, but also to organize the work process.

Artistry is also inherent in this sign. Rats often sing or play well musical instruments. Thanks to their extraordinary abilities, they can reach the top in the musical field.

Relationships and love

In love, Rats are impulsive and impetuous. You can’t take your eyes off them, because this sign knows how to charm. But those who succumb to their charms will be disappointed. Representatives of this sign flirt recklessly, but are in no hurry to burden themselves with a serious relationship. They value freedom and independence, so they get married at a late age.

If Rats find a worthy partner with whom they are ready to throw in their lot, they will be demanding of him. By nature, representatives of this sign are owners who are not used to sharing their partner’s attention with someone else.

Compatibility with other signs of the eastern horoscope

The compatibility forecast for Rats can be made depending on which signs they associate with. The union of two Rats is a controversial issue. They are so similar that on this basis they may have a conflict of interest. They can have a passionate relationship with Oxen, but you shouldn’t count on more. These signs are leaders, so their relationship will turn into a constant tug of war.

Relationships with Tigers will lead to problems - these signs are so different. But they can become good friends, because they are very sociable and are able to support any conversation. Cats have high self-esteem, so they will oppress Rats.

The Dragon is an excellent match for this sign. They have the same outlook on life, so their relationship will be unbreakable. Together, these signs can achieve a lot. Snakes will disappoint Rats with their deceit and constant lies. These signs have different views on relationships, so nothing good awaits this couple.

Horses complement Rats well. Their marriage will be intense - quarrels and passionate reconciliations. But these signs know how to negotiate, so harmony will reign in all matters. The union of Rats and Goats is not ideal, but they can find mutual language. Both signs value freedom, so they can delay marriage for a long time.

It is impossible to imagine a better partner for Rats than the Monkey. Especially if their passion is Taurus according to their zodiac sign. They are so similar that over time they will turn into one. Roosters and Rats are united by mutual intolerance and sloppiness. Therefore, their relationship is doomed to constant quarrels.

Dogs and Rats do not have any common interests, so they will be bored in a relationship. But Pigs and Rats are united by a love of travel and holidays. They are both bright and charismatic, so they can become both friends and lovers.


People born under the sign of the Rat become famous due to their ability to manipulate others. They are cunning, so they build relationships in order to meet influential people. If such people set themselves the goal of becoming famous, they will definitely achieve it.

Among male celebrities born under this sign are actor Hugh Grant, writers Leo Tolstoy, William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Emile Zola. Among the women, we note the spy Mata Hari, the writers Charlotte Bronte, Margaret Mitchell, and Countess Lucrezia Borgia.


The main shades of the sign are red, green, white and black. Among the flowers, it is worth noting hyacinths and orchids. As for amulets, amber protects Rats from bad influences and brings success in financial matters. Pomegranate will give you energy to achieve cherished desires, and will also bring harmony to life. Representatives of this sign can use pendants or small trinkets with the image of a mouse as a talisman.

It is worth noting that despite the negative sides of Rats, these people are interesting interlocutors capable of helping. They are devoted to their inner circle, sociable and wasteful.

Impulsiveness is lost against the background of charisma and generosity that representatives of this sign possess.

Years of the Rat, Mouse:

1900,1912,1924,1936,1948,1960,1972,1984,1996, 2008, 2020

Year of the Rat begins a twelve-year cycle.

Rat- a sign of charm and aggressiveness. He has a charming, sociable and happy-go-lucky character.

The Rat uses his dangerous charm and abuses it without restraint. At the same time, she is always clearly aware of how long it is possible to exploit someone’s labor, draw income from this or that phenomenon, or enjoy the favor of a person.

She is often surrounded interesting people. As a rule, these are the individuals whom she really considers authoritative and wants to see nearby. But the Rat’s sympathies are not always constant: sometimes she treats people like toys, attracting and pushing away without ceremony, especially if she has strength and authority.

Kind, elegant and generous, the Rat is nevertheless nervous and restless, but skillfully hides this under feigned gaiety.

At first glance, she seems calm, balanced and carefree. But behind this lies constant anxiety.

It is enough to talk to her longer to reveal her nervousness. The choleric temperament is the most violent of all four temperaments.

It is believed that such people are overwhelmed with energy. In reality this is not the case. A choleric person like the Rat has very little energy, but she behaves overactively in order to invigorate the body, somehow revive it. It’s no wonder that her outbursts of activity alternate with deep depression.

The Rat is a good speaker and an excellent critic. Sometimes, however, criticism is not constructive. Many Rats love to gossip.

The Rat succeeds in any field of activity that requires frequent contact with people. She is serious, pragmatic, has a rational mind, but at the same time she is sensitive and romantic. The Rat demands the fulfillment of promises and does not like frivolous, changeable and unreliable people. She plans everything in advance, and disruptions in plans unsettle her.

A significant drawback of representatives of this sign is the inability to maintain self-control. They get angry too easily.

Love is the weak point of the Rat. Here she is trapped, captive of a heart over which her steely will has no power. If the Rat experiences a feeling of dissatisfaction about something that has not come true or failed, it feels not just deceived, but deeply disappointed, and this leads to depression.

Involved in some secret, illegal or hidden deal, the Rat, being a very intelligent animal, enjoys its advantages in any situation. As for relationships with others, she behaves constrained and secretive.

The Rat never trusts anyone and keeps its worries to itself.

She is always ready to chat, and therefore is very popular in society, but rarely maintains friendly relations with anyone.

The first half of her life usually goes well, but in the second half the Rat risks losing everything because of a rash step.

Rats are stubborn, cunning, but usually not brave. They sometimes hesitate too long before making an important decision. They compensate for their lack of courage with perseverance and patience, but when driven into a corner by life or circumstances, Rats are capable of desperate acts.

The Rat thrives in periods of stability, but has difficulty finding its place in times of change. However, her skills are especially valuable in moments of crisis, since the Rat has an extremely developed sense of self-preservation.

Rats care about public opinion. They care what others say and think about them.

Only when they reach great heights in their business do they spit on public opinion, because they believe that you won’t be liked by everyone anyway.

The material side of life is of great importance to her, since the Rat is not used to denying itself anything. The Rat strives for wealth so much that stinginess and stinginess often become the main traits of its character. These people are generous only with those they love - be it a relative, friend or loved one.

Rats are thrifty and love to save money. The Rat is constantly worried about its future and, although it lives in the present, it always dreams of saving in order to secure its old age. They can forget about economy only when they are passionate or have a great feeling. The need to throw something away from time to time causes her unbearable suffering.

Rats have a strong attachment to children. It is difficult to experience cooling in relationships with children, but children, as a rule, love them very much, since Rats give all their love.

The combination of a genuine interest in people with the ability to plunge into the depths of their own consciousness makes people of this sign gifted in everything related to understanding a person - psychology, medicine, literature.

The Rat has a large margin of safety. Sometimes she is overcome by melancholy and despondency, but she stubbornly overcomes all difficulties and trials.

If in Russia mice and rats have a bad reputation, then in the East everything is different. The rat is the companion of the god of happiness, and its absence in the house or yard foreshadows misfortune.

The rat is a man. Characteristic

The source of controlled love and uncontrolled will, an open sign. He is more willing to do mental work than physical work. He loves and knows how to save money, but sometimes he can spend it at one point. He does not limit himself in any way and, if he happens to lend money to someone, he does it disinterestedly.

Rats hate impenetrable walls and any restrictions on freedom in general.

The love of an open sign can lead to many hobbies, and yet it is what leads this sign to marriage.

People of the Rat sign are characterized by mystical thinking. As people who feel out of time, they have difficulty discerning sequence in a chain of events. It is important for everyone who deals with Rats to know about all this. The thinking of Rats tends towards the absurd, for them this is the norm.

Associated with mystical thinking is the unique capacity of the rat brain. People of this sign are able to retain a huge array of unsystematized information in their consciousness. The Rat has the ability to put incomparable things side by side and bring together the incompatible.

Rats can be lazy and hardworking, but they don’t go without money because they are thrifty and stingy. Always find a way to have spare funds, additional earnings, saving for a rainy day. Life rewards hardworking Rats with material well-being.

Rat woman. Characteristic

They are characterized by rationalistic thinking, which gives them a sense of power.

Rats women are realists, they pray to the god of worldly wisdom, which Rats men treat so contemptuously. Realism is knowledge of human psychology, a keen observational eye, skillful participation in intrigue, the ability to collect and disseminate information, love of money - in a word, everything that is usually attributed to the female race as a whole. On the other hand, their realism is an impeccable sense of beauty, refined taste, stylistic perfection.

Peace, inner harmony and balance, contemplation, narcissism provide the Rat with its famous beauty. Her open disposition and glaring sexuality make her an object of universal admiration. This is the bride's ideal. The Rat loves to be beautiful, loves to be liked, and to be the center of attention.

IN family life prefers material well-being and the absence of strict control. The Rat woman has a pronounced tendency towards hoarding. Therefore, she can often be found at sales, where she diligently buys everything.

Varieties of Rat

Metal Rat (1900,1960, 2020)

Water Rat (1912,1972, 2032)

Wood Rat (1924,1984, 2044)

Fire Rat (1936, 1996, 2056)

Earth Rat (1948, 2008, 2068)

Born in the year of the Rat

William Shakespeare, Peter I, Jules Berne, Pierre Beaumarchais, Jack London, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Leo Tolstoy, August Bebel, Nikolai Chernyshevsky, Ludwig Feuerbach, Dmitry Pisarev, Nikolai Burdenko, Mikhail Isakovsky, Ivan Yakubovsky, Andrei Tupolev, Mikhail Glinka , Emil Zola, Marietta Shaginyan, Kim Il Sung, Janos Kadar, Dinmukhamed Kunaev, Nikolai Bukharin, Maurice Thorez, Maxim Litvinov, Heinrich Himmler, Martin Bormann, Vladimir Dolgikh, Heinz Guderian.

The Rat is an earth sign of the eastern calendar. People born under this sign can be described as attractive, but at the same time aggressive. From the outside it may seem that the Rat is full of equanimity and self-confidence. In fact, this is not so, because she has a lot of fear and anxiety, and she does not want to show it.

Rats love to adapt in everything, and therefore often seek benefits. They make good businessmen and politicians. It is impossible not to mention the organizational skills of the Rat, which they are endowed with from birth: they are loved at parties, in companies, all the attention certainly goes to them.

Rat Man

He is attractive, erudite, and truly handsome. The rat man will always seem calm and confident, but only until you get in his way. In anger and critical situations, he is scary and unpredictable. But if you don’t piss him off, he will make a good partner.

Men of this sign do not stand out for their generosity, but if there are situations where he needs to prove himself, he will not spare money to show others his confidence and power.

Rat Woman

She is charming, active, inquisitive. The Rat woman is afraid of criticism because it is very important to her what others think of her. In general, representatives of this sign respect laws and rules, so from the outside they may seem meticulous. In the depths of the soul of such a woman, there is excitement and fear, and only family hearth able to give this woman peace. Therefore, rat women try to get married as quickly as possible.


In love, representatives of this sign show great care and do not hide the depth of their emotions. If they do not receive reciprocity from their partner, they may harbor a grudge, or even become cold and withdraw. They need constant replenishment of new strength and emotions in order to be comfortable and self-confident.

Negative qualities: The Rat often likes to be the center of attention, and where there is attention, scandals and gossip occur. Representatives of this sign are characterized by excessive distrust of others. When it comes to money and achievements, Rats get it in a cunning way, even if friendships are jeopardized.

Year of the Rat: 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020.

The Year of the Rat is the first in the 12-year lunar cycle of the Chinese zodiac. Order 12 zodiac animals next: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. That is, the Year of the Rat comes every 12 years.

  • Lucky colors: blue, gold, green
  • Lucky numbers: 2, 3
  • Lucky Flowers: lily, African violet

Were you born in the year of the Rat?

The Chinese zodiac is determined by lunar calendar– with the advent of the Chinese New Year, the zodiac year. Every year Chinese New Year occurs on different dates, between January 21 and February 20. Therefore, if you were born in January or February, then You can be a Rat or a Pig.

Use our special calculator on the right to accurately determine your zodiac sign.

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Chinese eastern calendar:

Your Zodiac:

Chinese New Year Dates for the Rat:

Year of the Rat

Dates in different years

Rat type

1924 February 5, 1924 – January 23, 1925 Wood Rat
1936 January 24, 1936 – February 10, 1937 Fire Rat
1948 February 10, 1948 – January 28, 1949 Earth Rat
1960 January 28, 1960 – February 14, 1961
1972 February 15, 1972 – February 2, 1973 Water rat
1984 February 2, 1984 – February 19, 1985 Wood Rat
1996 February 19, 1996 – February 6, 1997 Fire Rat
2008 February 7, 2008 – January 25, 2009 Earth Rat
2020 January 25, 2020 – February 11, 2021 Golden (Metal) Rat

What brings good luck to those born in the year of the Rat

Chinese zodiac signs have their own lucky days, colors, numbers, flowers and even cardinal directions that bring good or bad luck. In this, the Chinese and Western horoscopes are similar.
Do you know, What is the difference between the Chinese and Western zodiacs ?

  • Lucky numbers: 2, 3 and numbers containing them (for example, 23 and 32)
  • Happy Days: 4th and 13th of the Chinese lunar month (new moon to new moon)
  • Lucky colors: blue, gold, green
  • Lucky Flowers: lily, African violet
  • Lucky directions: west, northwest and southwest
  • Happy months: 2nd, 5th and 9th months of the Chinese lunar calendar

Brings bad luck

According to Chinese astrology, those born in the year of the Rat should avoid:

  • Unlucky colors: yellow, brown
  • Unlucky numbers: 5 and 9
  • Unlucky directions: south and southeast
  • Unlucky months: 4th, 10th and 12th months of the Chinese lunar calendar

Rats are smart, resourceful and versatile.

Rats have highly developed intuition and quick reactions; they easily adapt to a new environment. Rich imagination and observation allow those born in the year of the Rat to take advantage of emerging opportunities. Rats are very curious and are happy to try their hand at anything, coping with it very skillfully.

Rat Women cute, smart and charming. They are good housewives, smart and capable of learning anything.

Due to a lack of courage, as well as the ability to manage others, Rats do not make good leaders. They are picky and pursue their own goals, but are not broad-minded.

Rats are kind, but sometimes they are impolite to others. People born under the sign of the Rat usually sleep late, because rodents are nocturnal.


Rats typically have excellent health. They are active and full of energy, which helps them stay fit and avoid illness.

Proper nutrition and regular physical exercise have a beneficial effect on the Rat's well-being. By devoting enough time to rest, those born in the year of the Rat will be able to boast excellent mood and productivity At work. IN stressful situations The Rat is advised to take a walk and get distracted to cope with stress.

Living in a dry climate, Rats need to pay attention to the prevention of respiratory and skin diseases.

The most suitable professions for the Rat

The good insight and foresight of the Rats, as well as a sober approach to what they do, allows them to avoid unnecessary worries. Rats are cautious and scrupulous and usually take their responsibilities and work seriously.

Most suitable professions for Rat: administrator, director, entrepreneur, television presenter, writer, musician, comedian, politician, lawyer, scientist and race car driver.

How to build relationships with those born in the year of the Rat?

Active by nature, Rats prefer a diverse social circle. They are interested various kinds meetings and social events. Rats enjoy making new friends, but they rarely decide to really get close to anyone. Those born in the year of the Rat are charming and know how to win over their friends.

Thanks to the special energy The Rat is impossible to resist. In love, Rats easily start new relationships, but just as easily break them off; moreover, those born in the year of the Rat are characterized by some inconstancy.

Year of the Rat compatibility with other signs

IN ancient China they paid special attention to the compatibility of zodiac signs and always turned to the zodiac before starting courtship. And today, many in China are very sensitive to this ancient knowledge and consult Love compatibility horoscope .

The table below shows Compatibility of the Rat with other signs. Find out if the Rat is compatible with your zodiac sign.

  • Best Compatibility: Ox, Dragon, Rabbit
  • Least successful: Horse, Rooster

Famous people born in the year of the Rat:

  • Peter the Great, Leo Tolstoy, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Mikhail Glinka, Nikolai Chernyshevsky, Bulat Okudzhava, Stanislav Govorukhin, Oleg Menshikov.
  • William Shakespeare, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Emile Zola, Clark Gable, Louis Armstrong, Jules Verne, Winston Churchill, Mata Hari, Antonio Banderas, Queen Elizabeth.

Types of Rat according to the Eastern calendar – 5 elements

The Chinese believe that a person's characteristics are determined not only by the sign of the animal in whose year he was born, but also by the elements. And in the Chinese zodiac there are 5 types of Rat, each with its own a certain characteristic:

Rat type

Year of birth


Wood Rat

Independent, self-confident, virtuous and talented, able to work in a team

Fire Rat

Energetic, brave, calm, sincere and friendly with his loved ones, but very demanding of himself

Earth Rat

Kind, honest, flexible, modest, serious, with feeling self-esteem

Golden (Metal) Rat

Smart, talented, hot-tempered, jealous, with a developed sense of self-awareness

Water rat

Talkative, insightful, conservative and wise

Horoscope for the Rat in 2019

2019 will bring the Rat successful projects and achievements in his field of activity, as well as a decent income. However, in terms of health, as well as in love, 2019 will not be the best have a good year for those born in the year of the Rat.
